Water in medieval Ashkenaz Workshop

On 27 March 2017, Prof. Judith Baskin of the University of Oregon, Prof. Eva Haverkamp of the Ludwig-Maximilians University and Dr. Ephraim Shoham-Steiner of Ben-Gurion University joined us for a workshop focusing on Water in medieval Ashkenaz. Dr. Neta Bodner presented a paper titled "Monumental Architecture Underground: The Friedberg Jewish Ritual Bath (1260) as Case Study". She showed how the architecture of the Mikveh of the city of Friedberg could teach us about the social life of the local Jewish community.


Dr. Tzafrir Barzilay Presented a paper titled "The Well-Poisoning Conspiracy of 1390: A Political Attack?". He argued that well-poisoning accusations presented in France against paupers and beggars in 1390 were used by the Crown to fortify royal authority and undermine its political opposition.  

Well Poisoners on the Stake

The guest researchers and members of the team commented on these papers, and discussed aspects of the social history of water and its use in medieval Ashkenaz.