Sefer Hasidim Conference



Elisheva Baumgarten (on behalf of the committee)

Elchanan Reiner (The National Library)

Katrin Kogman Appel (University of Munster)  - "איורי מחזור לייפציג ועולמו של ר' אלעזר מוורמס" 

Round table: Research on Sefer Hasidim, Present and Future Directions


Elisheva Baumgarten (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Elizabeth Hollander ( Goethe University, Frankfurt), Ephraim Shoham-Steiner (Ben-Gurion University)

Session 1: Sefer Hasidim as a Compiled Text

Chair: Ephraim Shoham Steiner (Ben Gurion University)


Ivan Marcus (Yale University) - "Sefer Hasidim, its Author, and Hasidei Ashkenaz in Historical context"

Saskia Donitz (Goethe University, Frankfurt) - "Sefer Hasidim in Manuscripts- Transmissions and Compliation: A response"

David Shyowitz (Northwestern University) - Response

Session 2: Sefer Hasidim as a Halakhic Text 

Chair: David Shyowitz (Northwestern University)


Avraham (Rami) Reiner ( Ben-Gurion University) - "Halakha and Practice in Sefer Hasidim" 

Pinhas Roth (Bar Ilan University) - "Halakha in Sefer Hasidim: A Response"

Judah Galinsky (Bar Ilan University) - "R. Issac heHasid of Corbeil and R. Judah heHasid of Regensburg: A Response"   

Session 3: Sefer Hasidim as Narrative Text


Eli Yassif (Tel Aviv University) - "The Tension between Learned Judaism and European Folk-Culture as Reflected in Sefer Hasidim

David Rothman (Achva Academic College and Tel-Aviv University) - "Neither Folk-Literature nor Belles-Lettres: Social Tensions and Literary Genres in the stories of Sefer Hasidim: A Response"

Talya Fishman (University of Pennsylvania) - A Response

Session 4: Sefer Hasidim and its Local Context


Ahuva Liberales Noiman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Center for the Study of Conversion) - "Concepts of Localization in the Writings of Rabbi Judah heHasid"

Adam Cohen (University of Toronto) - "Imitator of the Old Law/ Advocate of Revealed Grace: Visualizing Jews and Christians in the Twelfth Century Regensburg"

Ephraim Kanarfogel (Yeshiva University) - "R. Judah heHasid and the Tosafists of Northern France: Points of Similarity and Divergence"

Session 5: Hasidei Ashkenaz: Crossing Borders

Chair: Joseph Issac Lifshitz

Simcha Emanual (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) - "From Joshua b. Nun Until R. Moses of Lucca: R. Judah heHasid's Attempts to Identifuy the Stratification of the Prayer Book"

Rainer Josef Barzen (University of Munster) - West and East in Ashkenaz in the Time of Judah heHasid"

Moshe David Chechik (Henrew University of Jerusalem) - "From Regensburg to Cracow: Rabbi Michel Moravchik and the Legacy of Hasidei Ashkenaz"

Session 6: Sefer Hasidim: Reception in the Early Modern Judaism

Chair: Debra Kaplan (Bar Ilan University)

Lucia Raspe (Goethe University, Frankfurt and the Jewish Museum, Berlin) - "Between ShUM and Regensburg: Space and Place in the Early Modern Narrative Traditions about R. Judah heHasid"

Yaakob Dweck (Princeton University) - "Sefer Hasidim in Early Modern Europe"

Session 7: Sefer Hasidim: Reception in Halakha and Literature

Chair: Chava Turniansky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Elisabeth Hollander (Goethe University, Frankfurt) - "Piyyut Commentary as Ethical Literature among Hasidei Ashkenaz"

Rella Kushelevsky (Bar Ilan University) - Traces of Hasidut Ashkenaz in Medieval Collections of Tales"

Yakov Elbaum (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) - Traces of Sefer Hasidim within the Literature of Early Modern Polish and Ashkenazi Jews"    

Session 8: Sefer Hasidim and Social History

Chair: Micha Perry (Haifa University)

Eyal Levinson (Bar Ilan University, ERC Hebrew University of Jerusalem) - "The Friend Visits him Frequently and Reveals his Secret: Hasidei Ashkenaz and Male Friendship"

Susan Weissman (Touro College) - "Prayer for the Dead in Sefer Hasidim"

Judith Baskin (University of Oregon) - "Representations of Biblical Women in Sefer Hasidim"

Session 9: Sefer Hasidim and Mysticism 

Chair: Elisabeth Hollander (Goethe University, Frankfurt)

Inbal Gur (Bar Ilan University) - "The Complexity of the Book of Angels in Various Manuscripts"

Sarah Offenberg (Ben Gurion University) - "Hasidic Ideals as Expressed in Medieval Jewish Art"

Daniel Abrams (Bar Ilan University) - "An Unknown Manuscript Source of the Hermeneutic Gates by Rabbi Elazar of Worms: a Response to the Death of Rabbi Judah heHasid"   


Session 10: Roundtable, Conclusions

Chair: Elisheva Baumgarten (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)


Elisheva Karlebach (Columbia University)

Micha Perry (Haifa University)

Ephraim Shoham Steiner (Ben Gurion University)