Dr. Ori Katz

Dr. Ori Katz joined the Hebrew University’s Department of Applied Physics as a senior researcher in the summer of 2015. Dr. Katz completed his postdoctoral research in Paris, at Institut Langevin and Laboratoire Kastler Brossel. He received his PhD in Physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science, after completing his first two degrees at the Hebrew University, graduating cum-laude in both. Before joining the Hebrew University Dr. Katz was the recipient of the Israel Physical Society Prize for Graduate Student in experimental physics, the Rothschild Fellowship and the Marie Curie Fellowship for career development (IEF). Dr. Katz joins the Hebrew University as a prestigious Azrieli Foundation Faculty Fellow and since his arrival he has been awarded a 2015 European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant.
The research in Dr. Katz’ lab lies at the interface between physics and engineering and focuses on developing novel computational-based optical imaging techniques to overcome the limitations of current approaches. His methods challenge some intuitive notions on randomly scattered light, such as the light reflected off walls or diffuses through frosted glass windows, by showing that it is possible to extract information from scattered light for imaging. The techniques developed in Katz’s lab will allow us not only to measure scattered light but also to undo it and in some situations to exploit it for practical imaging and sensing even applications in diverse fields from biomedicine to defense.