Hybrid Guided-Wave/Free-Space Optics PhotonicSpectral Processor Based on LCoS Phase OnlyModulator


D. Sinefeld and D. M. Marom, “Hybrid Guided-Wave/Free-Space Optics PhotonicSpectral Processor Based on LCoS Phase OnlyModulator,” Phtonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 510-512, 2010.


We propose and demonstrate a photonic spectral processor for applying arbitrary spectral phase and amplitude at high resolution with a 100-GHz free-spectral range for colorless wavelength-division-multiplexing adaptive filtering applications. The system employs free-space optics for projecting the dispersed light coming out of a planar-lightwave circuit onto a phase spatial-light modulator. The processor achieves 3-GHz optical resolution over 75-GHz usable bandwidth, with 557-MHz addressable granularity.

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Last updated on 07/27/2016