
New Book: Entangled Histories

December 22, 2016

From Halakhic innovation to blood libels, from the establishment of new mendicant orders to the institutionalization of Islamicate bureaucracy, and from the development of the inquisitorial process to the rise of yeshivas, universities, and madrasas, the long thirteenth century saw a profusion of political, cultural, and intellectual changes in Europe and the Mediterranean basin. These were informed by, and in turn informed, the religious communities from which they arose.

New Book! Jews and Christians in Thirteenth Century France

New Book! Jews and Christians in Thirteenth Century France

May 13, 2015

In light of the growing tendency to view both religious communities as intimately linked, this work seeks to examine a variety of perspectives on Jewish and Christian life in northern France during the thirteenth-century. Contributors investigate the social and cultural changes which took place in European medieval society through legal developments, religious polemic, gender, social history, perceptions of the 'other,' language, literature and art.

NEW BOOK!! Practicing Piety in Medieval Ashkenaz

NEW BOOK!! Practicing Piety in Medieval Ashkenaz

October 6, 2014

In the urban communities of medieval Germany and northern France, the beliefs, observances, and practices of Jews allowed them to create and define their communities on their own terms as well as in relation to the surrounding Christian society. Although medieval Jewish texts were written by a learned elite, the laity also observed many religious rituals as part of their everyday life.