Dataverse app
The Dataverse app lets you showcase your existing dataverse site as a section on your OpenScholar site. You must have an existing Dataverse account in order to properly utilize this app.
Dataverse App settings
This setting is accessible at Control Panel > Build > Apps.
- Dataverse alias: Enter your dataverse alias, which is the last part of your dataverse site URL. For example, if your dataverse site URL is, then your dataverse alias is "jsmith".
What is a Dataverse?
Each dataverse hosted by a Dataverse Network is a virtual archive or organizer of research data. It can contain data sets (called studies) that are uploaded specifically to that dataverse or that belong to other dataverses. Data sets can be organized by collections and sub-collections. In addition to uploading studies and setting up collections, if you are the dataverse owner (administrator) you can customize the dataverse browser page.
How do I create my own Dataverse?
To create your own dataverse, go to the IQSS Dataverse Network (
and click Create Your Own Dataverse in the top-right corner of
the page.