The Control Panel
Once logged in you'll see a black administrative menu along the top of your browser window. This navigation bar and the pages it contains are the Control Panel
The Control Panel serves as your main access point to changing settings, adding apps and general site building. By default a Control Panel menu will appear at the top of your site. This top tool bar allows for quick access to settings but can be disabled if you find it distracting.
The Control Panel menu offers links to a number of administrative choices:
Site Building to customize site Features, Customizing Your Site Layout, Menus, and Taxonomy. to choose Features to be added or removed from your site. This would include a blog, news, classes, publications, and more. Features often each come a variety of settings and customization tools. Site Building also lets you arrange the layout of your site and menus, as well as set up the taxonomy for categorizing your site's content.
Appearance for selecting a display theme.
Settings for configuring privacy and Google Analytics settings.
Content area where you can organize, edit and categorize any content you've added to your site. Options here are reflected by which apps you've enabled. For instance if you've enabled the "Image Gallery" app, you'll see Image Galleries listed in the content section.
Users anyone who has an OpenScholar site can be associated with your site. You can add and then associate users with your site for a number of reasons, including adding a assistant to help manage your site.You may want to allow particular colleagues to comment on your blog posts, or on working papers you post.
Support, such as opening and tracking a support ticket.