List of Files Widget

Displays an automatically generated list of files from your site. These options are very similar to those found in list of posts.

Content Type
Show files of a particular content type - images, video, document, etc. Lists that display only images and videos are special and will include a thumbnail of these items.
Display Style
Controls how much content is displayed. Link with no icon provides a direct link to the file. Link with icon also links to the file and shows an icon indicative of the file type. Title will show only the name of the file. Teaser adds a preview of the content and Full Content shows the file in its entirety.
Controls the order in which posts are displayed. Newest, oldest, alphabetical, and filesize should be self explanatory. Random is also self explanatory, but is best used with the number of items option set to 1 to create a widget that shows fresh content on every page load.
More Link
Checking this will provide a link to additional content beyond what the list of files can display. The text and URL can both be overriden.
Show Pager
Allows you to scroll through several pages worth of content in a single list box.
Number of items to display
Controls how many items will be shown in this box. Ranges from 1 to 20.
Filter by Vocabulary
If your site makes use of vocabularies and there are vocabularies for the list's content type, you can filter the files shown by terms in your vocabulary. A file only needs to match one of the terms under each vocabulary, but if multiple vocabularies are selected the file must match a term from each of them.
Include results from
If you have a department site with subsites, this option will become available. Instead of showing results only from your own site, you can show posts from your subsites as well.