

Transportation from the Ben Gurion Airport to Jerusalem

The Ben-Gurion International Airport is located ca 50 km away from Jerusalem. There are several options for transportaion from the airport to Jerusalem:

1. By taxi: There is a taxi stand on the left side of the main exit gate. The taxi costs between 250 and 350 NIS ($65-95), depending on the arrival time. In addition there are taxi services that can be ordered in advance or from the airport by phone. They usually cost around 180-200 NIS (ca. $50). Two examples of such taxi services are: Romema Taxi and Taxi99.

2. By shuttle bus: A shared door-to-door shuttle bus (Nesher taxi) is available 24/7 directly at the main exit of the terminal. The service is available 24/7 and costs 64 NIS/person ($17). The Nesher taxi is a yellow colored van with seats for 10-12 people.

3. Regular bus lines are available from 6am to 10pm. The Line 5A should be taken to El-Al junction and then line 947/423/425 to Jerusalem central bus station (21.5 NIS). The conference hotel Prima Park is located 1km from the central bus station. It can be reached by foot or by the light train from the central station to Kyriat-Moshe station (5.9 NIS).

Conference venue

The main event will take place in the lecture hall of the Chemistry Institute in the Los Angeles building.