JBC SMART Brain Prize for a Selected Monthly ARTicle

JBC SMART Brain Prize for a Selected Monthly ARTicle

The Jerusalem Brain Community offers an award for an outstanding article that has recently been published within the interdisciplinary fields of Brain Science.

Amount: $500


  • The prize will be awarded for an article published between May 1st & October 1st, 2019
  • The candidate must be the first author and a PhD student in one of the JBC members’ labs

Applicants must submit the following documents:

  • The article to be considered
  • Layman Abstract (Up to 100 words)
  • Short biography of the author (one paragraph including: name, lab, research topic, photo)
  • One figure that best describes the research with its accompanying legend. 
  • Please note if the article has received any distinguishing highlights -- i.e mentioned in the "news and views" section by the editor, appeared on the journal’s cover, was referenced or named in a journal other than the one in which it was published, received a score by Faculty of 1000, etc.

Articles in the 2nd and 3rd places will automatically be considered in the next round 

To be considered for the July prize, all documents should be sent to jbc@mail.huji.ac.il by October 31st, 2019