Congratulations to our August 2017 JBC Travel Grant Winners

October 2, 2017
Travel grant Winners

Meet our Travel Winners for August 2017:


Congratulations to JBC August Travel Grant Winners

Caterin Shreiber, (PI Ehud Zohary, Safra), presented her research, Action Recognition is Impaired following Early-Onset Prolonged Visual Deprivation during the 40th European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP 2017, Berlin, Germany took place August 27- 31, 2017.

Elena Andres, (PI Ehud Zohary, Safra), presented her research on The Eye Opener Project during the 40th European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP 2017, Berlin, Germany took place August 27- 31, 2017.

Moran Haim Zada, (PI Avi Domb Ein Kerem), will present her research on “Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Peptides to the Brain” during the Advanced School in Nanomedicine for Doctoral Students, Sardegna Ricerche Research Park. Pula (CA), Sardinia, Italy, September 26- 28, 2017.