Prof. Oded Shoseyov
Principal Investigator

A faculty member of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prof. Shoseyov’s research is in plant molecular biology protein engineering and nano-biotechnology. His group focuses on bio-Inspired nanocomposite materials, he has authored or co-authored more than 200 scientific publications and is the inventor or co-inventor of 100 patents.
Shoseyov is a TED speaker, and his talk was translated to 21 languages, with more than 1 million views. Shoseyov is also co-owner and winemaker of BRAVDO winery named after his mentor and partner, Prof. Ben Ami Bravdo.
Prof. Shoseyov received the Outstanding Scientist Polak Award for 2002, the 1999 and 2010 Kay Award for Innovative and Applied Research and the 2012 Israel Prime Minister Citation for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
He is also the scientific founder of 18 companies.