Postdoctoral Scholar
Dr. McCaslin began her research career spring 2011 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory crystalizing proteins relevant to the study of Photosystem II. However, once she dabbled in theoretical research, she was an instant convert. Dr. McCaslin performed research with Prof. Martin Head-Gordon during her final year of her undergraduate degree, studying small sulfate-water clusters. After completing a BS in Chemical Biology in the spring of 2012 she answered the call of Texas and began graduate school at UT Austin in the fall of 2012 with Prof. John Stanton. Dr. McCaslin explored a wide variety of research projects during graduate school, including constructing and benchmarking novel atomic natural orbital-type basis sets for use in spin-free exact two-component relativistic calculations, designing and building a module to analytically transform full quartic force fields and vibrational/rotational parameters between isotopomers, and performing vibrational and rotational calculations in collaboration with experimental chemists to assign spectra and calculate best-fit structures. Dr. McCaslin completed her PhD in the Fall of 2016. Because moving to Texas from California wasn’t enough of a culture shock, Dr. McCaslin accepted a position at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with Prof. Benny Gerber as a Zuckerman STEM Leadership Postdoctoral Fellow in January 2017.