
Livshits, E. ; Granot, R. S. ; Baer, R. A Density Functional Theory for Studying Ionization Processes in Water Clusters. J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 5735–5744. Publisher's VersionAbstract

A generalized Kohn-Sham (GKS) approach to density functional theory (DFT), based on the Baer-Neuhauser-Livshits range-separated hybrid, combined with ab initio motivated range-parameter tuning is used to study properties of water dimer and pentamer cations. The water dimer is first used as a benchmark system to check the approach. The present brand of DFT localizes the positive charge (hole), stabilizing the proton transferred geometry in agreement with recent coupled-cluster calculations. Relative energies of various conformers of the water dimer cation compare well with previously published coupled cluster results. The GKS orbital energies are good approximations to the experimental ionization potentials of the system. Low-lying excitation energies calculated from time-dependent DFT based on the present method compare well with recently published high-level "equation of motion-coupled-cluster" calculations. The harmonic frequencies of the water dimer cation are in good agreement with experimental and wave function calculations where available. The method is applied to study the water pentamer cation. Three conformers are identified: two are Eigen type and one is a Zundel type. The structure and harmonic vibrational structure are analyzed. The ionization dynamics of a pentamer water cluster at 0 K shows a fast <50 fs transient for transferring a proton from one of the water molecules, releasing a hydroxyl radical and creating a protonated tetramer carrying the excess hole.

Karolewski, A. ; Stein, T. ; Baer, R. ; Kümmel, S. Communication: Tailoring the optical gap in light-harvesting molecules. J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 151101.Abstract

Systematically varying the optical gap that is associated with charge-transfer excitations is an important step in the design of light-harvesting molecules. So far the guidance that time-dependent density functional theory could give in this process was limited by the traditional functionals' inability to describe charge-transfer excitations. We show that a nonempirical range-separated hybrid approach allows to reliably predict charge-transfer excitations for molecules of practically relevant complexity. Calculated absorption energies agree with measured ones. We predict from theory that by varying the number of thiophenes in donor-acceptor-donor molecules, the energy of the lowest optical absorption can be tuned to the lower end of the visible spectrum. Saturation sets in at about five thiophene rings. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3581788]

Stein, T. ; Eisenberg, H. R. ; Kronik, L. ; Baer, R. Fundamental gaps in finite systems from eigenvalues of a generalized Kohn-Sham method. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2010, 105, 266802.Abstract

We present a broadly applicable, physically motivated, first-principles approach to determining the fundamental gap of finite systems from single-electron orbital energies. The approach is based on using a range-separated hybrid functional within the generalized Kohn-Sham approach to density functional theory. Its key element is the choice of a range-separation parameter such that Koopmans’ theorem for both neutral and anion is obeyed as closely as possible. We demonstrate the validity, accuracy, and advantages of this approach on first, second and third row atoms, the oligoacene family of molecules, and a set of hydrogen-passivated silicon nanocrystals. This extends the quantitative usage of density functional theory to an area long believed to be outside its reach.

Paul, A. K. ; Adhikari, S. ; Baer, M. ; Baer, R. H2 + photodissociation by an intense pulsed photonic Fock state. Phys. Rev. A 2010, 81, 013412.Abstract

We study the photodissociation of the H+2 molecule by ultrashort Fock-state electromagnetic pulses (EMPs). We use the Born-Oppenheimer treatment combined with an explicit photon number representation via diabatic electrophoton potential surfaces for simplification of the basic equations. We discuss the issue of the number of photon states required and show that six photon states enable good accuracy for photoproduct kinetic energies of up to 3 eV. We calculate photodissociation probabilities and nuclear kinetic-energy (KE) distributions of the photodissociation products for 800 nm, 50-TW/cm2 pulses. We show that KE distributions depend on three pulse durations of 10, 20, and 45 fs and on various initial vibrational states of the molecule. We compare the Fock-state results to those obtained by “conventional,” i.e., coherent-state, laser pulses of equivalent electric fields and durations. The effects of the quantum state of EMPs on the photodissociation dynamics are especially strong for high initial vibrational states of H+2. While coherent-state pulses suppress photodissociation for the high initial vibrational states of H+2, the Fock-state pulses enhance it.

Rabani, E. ; Baer, R. Theory of multiexciton generation in semiconductor nanocrystals. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2010, 496, 227–235.Abstract

We develop a generalized framework based on a Green’s function formalism to calculate the efficiency of multiexciton generation in nanocrystal quantum dots. The direct/indirect absorption and coherent/incoherent impact ionization mechanisms, often used to describe multiexciton generation in nanocrystals, are reviewed and rederived from the unified theory as certain approximations. In addition, two new limits are described systematically – the weak Coulomb coupling limit and the semi-wide band limit. We show that the description of multiexciton generation in nanocrystals can be described as incoherent process and we discuss the scaling of multiexciton generation with respect to the photon energy and nanocrystal size. Illustrations are given for three prototype systems: CdSe, InAs and silicon quantum dots.

Baer, R. ; Rabani, E. Can Impact Excitation Explain Efficient Carrier Multiplication in Carbon Nanotube Photodiodes?. Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 3277–3282.Abstract

We address recent experiments (Science 2009, 325, 1367) reporting on highly efficient multiplication of electron?hole pairs in carbon nanotube photodiodes at photon energies near the carrier multiplication threshold (twice the quasi-particle band gap). This result is surprising in light of recent experimental and theoretical work on multiexciton generation in other confined materials, such as semiconducting nanocrystals. We propose a detailed mechanism based on carrier dynamics and impact excitation resulting in highly efficient multiplication of electron?hole pairs. We discuss the important time and energy scales of the problem and provide analysis of the role of temperature and the length of the diode.

Baer, R. Ground-State Degeneracies Leave Recognizable Topological Scars in the Electronic Density. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2010, 104, 073001.Abstract

In Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT) a fictitious system of noninteracting particles is constructed having the same ground-state (GS) density as the physical system of interest. A fundamental open question in DFT concerns the ability of an exact KS calculation to spot and characterize the GS degeneracies in the physical system. In this Letter we provide theoretical evidence suggesting that the GS density, as a function of position on a 2D manifold of parameters affecting the external potential, is â€øe}topologically scarredâ€ï¿½ in a distinct way by degeneracies. These scars are sufficiently detailed to enable determination of the positions of degeneracies and even the associated Berry phases. We conclude that an exact KS calculation can spot and characterize the degeneracies of the physical system.

Baer, R. ; Livshits, E. ; Salzner, U. Tuned Range-separated hybrids in density functional theory. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2010, 61, 85–109. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We review density functional theory (DFT) within the Kohn-Sham (KS) and the generalized KS (GKS) frameworks from a theoretical perspective for both time-independent and time-dependent problems. We focus on the use of range-separated hybrids within a GKS approach as a practical remedy for dealing with the deleterious long-range self-repulsion plaguing many approximate implementations of DFT. This technique enables DFT to be widely relevant in new realms such as charge transfer, radical cation dimers, and Rydberg excitations. Emphasis is put on a new concept of system-specific range-parameter tuning, which introduces predictive power in applications considered until recently too difficult for DFT.

Stein, T. ; Kronik, L. ; Baer, R. Prediction of charge-transfer excitations in coumarin-based dyes using a range-separated functional tuned from first principles. J. Chem. Phys. 2009, 131, 244119–5.Abstract

We study the description of charge-transfer excitations in a series of coumarin-based donor-bridge-acceptor dyes. We show that excellent predictive power for the excitation energies and oscillator strengths in these systems is obtained by using a range-separated hybrid functional within the generalized Kohn–Sham approach to time-dependent density functional theory. Key to this success is a step for tuning the range separation parameter from first principles. We explore different methods for this tuning step, which are variants of a recently suggested approach for charge-transfer excitations [T. Stein et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 2818 (2009)]. We assess the quality of prediction by comparing to excitation energies previously published for the same systems using the approximate coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CC2) method.

Stein, T. ; Kronik, L. ; Baer, R. Reliable Prediction of Charge Transfer Excitations in Molecular Complexes Using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 2818–2820.Abstract

We show how charge transfer excitations at molecular complexes can be calculated quantitatively using time-dependent density functional theory. Predictive power is obtained from range-separated hybrid functionals using nonempirical tuning of the range-splitting parameter. Excellent performance of this approach is obtained for a series of complexes composed of various aromatic donors and the tetracyanoethytene acceptor, paving the way to systematic nonempirical quantitative studies of charge-transfer excitations in real systems.

Salzner, U. ; Baer, R. Koopmans' springs to life. J. Chem. Phys. 2009, 131, 231101.Abstract

The meaning of orbital energies (OOEs) in Kohn–Sham (KS) density functional theory (DFT) is subject to a longstanding controversy. In local, semilocal, and hybrid density functionals (DFs) a Koopmans’ approach, where OOEs approximate negative ionization potentials (IPs), is unreliable. We discuss a methodology based on the Baer–Neuhauser–Livshits range-separated hybrid DFs for which Koopmans’ approach “springs to life.” The OOEs are remarkably close to the negative IPs with typical deviances of ±0.3 eV down to IPs of 30 eV, as demonstrated on several molecules. An essential component is the ab initio motivated range-parameter tuning procedure, forcing the highest OOE to be exactly equal to the negative first IP. We develop a theory for the curvature of the energy as a function of fractional occupation numbers to explain some of the results.

Paul, A. K. ; Adhikari, S. ; Mukhopadhyay, D. ; Halasz, G. J. ; Vibok, A. ; Baer, R. ; Baer, M. Photodissociation of H2+ upon Exposure to an Intense Pulsed Photonic Fock State. J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 7331–7337.Abstract

Producing and controlling nonclassical light states are now the subject of intense experimental efforts. In this paper we consider the interaction of such a light state with a small molecule. Specifically, we develop the theory and apply it numerically to calculate in detail how a short pulse of nonclassical light, such as the high intensity Fock state, induces photodissociation in H2+. We compare the kinetic energy distributions and photodissociation yields with the analogous results of quasi-classical light, namely a coherent state. We find that Fock-state light decreases the overall probability of dissociation for low vibrational states of H2+ as well as the location of peaks and line shapes in the kinetic energy distribution of the nuclei.

Livshits, E. ; Baer, R. ; Kosloff, R. Deleterious Effects of Long-Range Self-Repulsion on the Density Functional Description of O-2 Sticking on Aluminum. J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 7521–7527. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Density functional theory (DFT) with semilocal functionals such as the local-density and generalized gradients approximations predicts that the dissociative adsorption of oxygen on Al (111) goes through without a barrier in stark contradiction to experimental findings. This problem motivated our study of the reaction of oxygen colliding with a small aluminum cluster Al-5. We found semilocal functionals predict a minute barrier to sticking, associated with smeared long-range charge transfer from the metal to the oxygen. Hybrid B3LYP predicts a larger barrier while the range-separated the Baer-Neuhauser-Livshits (BNL, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2007, 9, 2932.) functional finds a more prominent barrier. BNL predicts short-ranged and more abrupt charge transfer from the surface to the oxygen. We conclude that spurious self-repulsion inherent in semilocal functionals causes early electron-transfer, long-range attraction toward the surface and low reaction barriers for these systems. The results indicate that the missing DFT barrier for O-2 sticking on Al (111) may be due to Spurious self-repulsion.

Eisenberg, H. R. ; Baer, R. A new generalized Kohn-Sham method for fundamental band-gaps in solids. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2009, 11, 4674–4680. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We developed a method for calculating the ground-state properties and fundamental band-gaps of solids, using a generalized Kohn-Sham approach combining a local density approximation (LDA) functional with a long-range explicit exchange orbital functional. We found that when the range parameter is selected according to the formula gamma = A/(epsilon(infinity) (epsilon) over tilde) where epsilon(infinity) is the optical dielectric constant of the solid and (epsilon) over tilde = 0.84 and A = 0.216 a(0)(-1), predictions of the fundamental band-gap close to the experimental values are obtained for a variety of solids of different types. For most solids the range parameter g is small (i.e. explicit exchange is needed only at long distances) so the predicted values for lattice constants and bulk moduli are similar to those based on conventional LDA calculations. Preliminary calculations on silicon give a general band structure in good agreement with experiment.

Baer, R. Prevalence of the adiabatic exchange-correlation potential approximation in time-dependent density functional theory. Theochem-Journal of Molecular Structure 2009, 914, 19–21.Abstract

Time-dependent (TD) density functional theory (TDDFT) promises a numerically tractable account of many-body electron dynamics provided good simple approximations are developed for the exchange-correlation (XC) potential functional (XCPF). The theory is usually applied within the adiabatic XCPF approximation, appropriate for slowly varying TD driving fields. As the frequency and strength of these fields grows, it is widely held that memory effects kick in and the eligibility of the adiabatic XCPF approximation deteriorates irreversibly. We point out, however, that when a finite system of electrons in its ground-state is gradually exposed to a very a high-frequency and eventually ultra-strong homogeneous electric field, the adiabatic XCPF approximation is in fact rigorously applicable. This result shows that adiabatic XCPF has a larger scope of applicability than previously suspected and in this sense is compliant with recent numerical findings by Thiele et al. [M. Thiele, E.K.U. Gross, S. Kümmel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 153004] of negligible memory effects in strong-field double ionization.

Andzelm, J. ; Rinderspacher, B. C. ; Rawlett, A. ; Dougherty, J. ; Baer, R. ; Govind, N. Performance of DFT Methods in the Calculation of Optical Spectra of TCF-Chromophores. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2009, 5 2835–2846.Abstract

We present electronic structure calculations of the ultraviolet/visible (UV?vis) spectra of highly active push?pull chromophores containing the tricyanofuran (TCF) acceptor group. In particular, we have applied the recently developed long-range corrected Baer-Neuhauser-Livshits (BNL) exchange-correlation functional. The performance of this functional compares favorably with other density functional theory (DFT) approaches, including the CAM-B3LYP functional. The accuracy of UV-vis results for these molecules is best at low values of attenuation parameters (\gamma) for both BNL and CAM-B3LYP functionals. The optimal value of \gamma is different for the charge-transfer (CT) and valence excitations. The BNL and PBE0 exchange correlation functionals capture the CT states particularly well, while the ???* excitations are less accurate and system dependent. Chromophore conformations, which considerably affect the molecular hyperpolarizability, do not significantly influence the UV?vis spectra on average. As expected, the color of chromophores is a sensitive function of modifications to its conjugated framework and is not significantly affected by increasing aliphatic chain length linking a chromophore to a polymer. For selected push?pull aryl-chromophores, we find a significant dependence of absorption spectra on the strength of diphenylaminophenyl donors.

Rabani, E. ; Baer, R. Distribution of multiexciton generation rates in CdSe and InAs nanocrystals. Nano Lett. 2008, 8 4488–4492.Abstract

The distribution of rates of multiexciton generation following photon absorption is calculated for semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs). The rates of biexciton generation are calculated using Fermi’s golden rule with all relevant Coulomb matrix elements, taking into account proper selection rules within a screened semiempirical pseudopotential approach. In CdSe and InAs NCs, we find a broad distribution of biexciton generation rates depending strongly on the exciton energy and size of the NC. Multiexciton generation becomes inefficient for NCs exceeding 3 nm in diameter in the photon energy range of 2-3 times the band gap.

Kurzweil, Y. ; Baer, R. Adapting approximate-memory potentials for time-dependent density functional theory. Phys. Rev. B 2008, 77, 085121.Abstract

Frequency dependent exchange-correlation kernels for time-dependent density functional theory can be used to construct approximate exchange-correlation potentials. The resulting potentials are usually not translationally covariant nor do they obey the so-called zero-force condition. These two basic symmetry requirements are essential for using the potentials in actual applications (even in the linear regime). We provide two pragmatic methods for fully imposing these conditions for both linear and nonlinear regimes. As an example, we take the Gross and Kohn frequency dependent XC functional [Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2850 (1985)], correct it, and numerically test it on a sodium metal cluster. Violation of the basic symmetries causes instabilities or spurious low frequency modes.

Livshits, E. ; Baer, R. A Density Functional Theory for Symmetric Radical Cations from Bonding to Dissociation. J. Phys. Chem. A 2008, 112, 12789–12791. Publisher's VersionAbstract

It has been known for quite some time that approximate density functional (ADF) theories fail disastrously when describing the dissociative symmetric radical cations R2+. By considering this dissociation limit, previous work has shown that Hartree-Fock (HF) theory favors the R+1-R-0 charge distribution, whereas DF approximations favor the R+(0.5)-R+0.5. Yet, general quantum mechanical principles indicate that both these (as well as all intermediate) average charge distributions are asymptotically energy degenerate. Thus, HF and ADF theories mistakenly break the symmetry but in a contradicting way. In this letter, we show how to construct system-dependent long-range corrected (LC) density functionals that can successfully treat this class of molecules, avoiding the spurious symmetry breaking. Examples and comparisons to experimental data is given for R = H, He, and Ne, and it is shown that the new LC theory improves considerably the theoretical description of the R-2(+) bond properties, the long-range form of the asymptotic potential curve, and the atomic polarizability. The broader impact of this finding is discussed as well, and it is argued that the widespread semiempirical approach which advocates treating the LC parameter as a system-independent parameter is in fact inappropriate under general circumstances.

Hod, O. ; Baer, R. ; Rabani, E. Magnetoresistance of nanoscale molecular devices based on Aharonov-Bohm interferometry. J. Phys. C 2008, 20, 383201.Abstract

Control of conductance in molecular junctions is of key importance in the growing field of molecular electronics. The current in these junctions is often controlled by an electric gate designed to shift conductance peaks into the low bias regime. Magnetic fields, on the other hand, have rarely been used due to the small magnetic flux captured by molecular conductors ( an exception is the Kondo effect in single-molecule transistors). This is in contrast to a related field, electronic transport through mesoscopic devices, where considerable activity with magnetic fields has led to a rich description of transport. The scarcity of experimental activity is due to the belief that significant magnetic response is obtained only when the magnetic flux is of the order of the quantum flux, while attaining such a flux for molecular and nanoscale devices requires unrealistic magnetic fields. Here we review recent theoretical work regarding the essential physical requirements necessary for the construction of nanometer-scale magnetoresistance devices based on an Aharonov-Bohm molecular interferometer. We show that control of the conductance properties using small fractions of a magnetic flux can be achieved by carefully adjusting the lifetime of the conducting electrons through a pre-selected single state that is well separated from other states due to quantum confinement effects. Using a simple analytical model and more elaborate atomistic calculations we demonstrate that magnetic fields which give rise to a magnetic flux comparable to 10(-3) of the quantum flux can be used to switch a class of different molecular and nanometer rings, ranging from quantum corrals, carbon nanotubes and even a molecular ring composed of polyconjugated aromatic materials. The unique characteristics of the magnetic field as a gate is further discussed and demonstrated in two different directions. First, a three-terminal molecular router devices that can function as a parallel logic gate, processing two logic operations simultaneously, is presented. Second, the role of inelastic effects arising from electron-phonon couplings on the magnetoresistance properties is analyzed. We show that a remarkable difference between electric and magnetic gating is also revealed when inelastic effects become significant. The inelastic broadening of response curves to electric gates is replaced by a narrowing of magnetoconductance peaks, thereby enhancing the sensitivity of the device.

