Kark, R. Jerusalem Neighborhoods, Planning and By-Laws (1855–1930). Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1991. 195 pp. jerusalem_neighborhoods_planning_and_by_laws_1855-1930.pdf
Kark, R. Neighborhoods in Jerusalem—Building in New Jerusalem and Neighborhoods By-Laws. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Publications, 1978. 88 pp. (in Hebrew). shkvnvt_byrvshlym_hbnyh_byrvshlym_hkhdshh_vtqnvt_hshkvnvt.pdf
Kark, R., ed. Land and Settlement in Eretz Israel 1830–1990. Selected Papers by Prof. Ruth Kark. Jerusalem: The Land-Use Research Institute, 1995. 200 pp. (in Hebrew and English). qrq_vhtyyshbvt_brts_yshrl_1830-1990.pdf
Kark, R., ed. Redemption of the Land of Eretz-Israel: Ideology and Practice. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Publications, 1990. 320 pp. (in Hebrew). gvlt_hqrq.pdf
Kark, R., ed. The Land that Became Israel. Studies in Historical Geography. Jerusalem, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990. the_land_that_became_isreal.pdf
Kark, R., ed. The Land that Became Israel. Studies in Historical Geography. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1989. 362 pp. the_land_that_became_isreal.pdf
Kark, R., Galilee, E. and Feuerstein, T., Independence and Entrepreneurship Among Arab Muslim Rural and Bedouin Women in Israel, Floersheimer Studies, Jerusalem, 2009. mtsvt_vyzmvt_shl_nshym_rbyvt_kpryvt_vbdvvyvt_byshrl.pdf
Kark, R., Shilo, M. and Hasan-Rokem, G., Jewish Women in Pre-State Israel: Life History, Politics and Culture, Waltham, MA.: Brandeis University Press and Hanover, NH and London: University Press of New England (updated English version, 2008). kark_jewish_women_2008_english.pdf
Kark-Kleiner, R. The First Observation Posts in the Negev, The Sixtieth Anniversary: 1943-2003. Ariel 162, November 2003. (Hebrew). shyshym_shnh_lmtspvt_hrshvnym_bngb.pdf
Kark-Kleiner, R. The Pioneering Observation Posts in the Negev. Jerusalem: Ariel Publishing, Jerusalem, 2002 (Hebrew). tvldvt_hhtyyshbvt_hkhlvtsyt_bngb.pdf
Kark. R. Jaffa—A City in Evolution, 1799–1917. Jerusalem: Ariel, 2003 (a reprinted edition in Hebrew). ypv_tsmykhth_shl_yr_1799-1917.pdf
Shilo, M., Kark, R. and Hasan-Rokem, G. (eds.), Jewish Women in the Yishuv and Zionism: A Gender Perspective, Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Press, 2001, 463 pp. (Hebrew). hbryvt_hkhdshvt_nshym_byyshvb_vbtsyvnvt_bry_hmgdr.pdf