Working papers

An Empirical Analysis of Merger Efficiencies (new!) with Omri Zvuluni

Estimating the Strategic Effect of Multimarket Contact (submitted) with Dalia Shilian and Daniel D. Blanga

Inferring Market Definitions and Competition Groups from Empirically-Estimated Demand Systems: A Practitioner's Guide with Assaf Kovo

Demand Fluctuations, Capacity Constraints and Repeated Interaction: An Empirical Analysis of Service Quality Adjustment with Olivier Chatain (CEPR Discussion Paper 10545)

Structure, Conduct, and Contact: Competition in Closely-Related Markets” (version: December 2019) with Dalia Shilian

In progress

“Mergers and market power: expanding the econometrician’s tool case”

"The Effect of Environmental Taxes on Equilibrium Prices and Product Variety in the Automobile Market,” with Naomi Feldman

Non-academic publications

"The impact of the war on prices in the food sector," with Itamar Caspi. Published by the Bank of Israel (Israeli central bank), January 2024. In Hebrew (click on the link below to download)

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