Oren Lotan

Oren Lotan, 29, is a M.Sc. student in the applied physics department at the Hebrew university in Jerusalem. Oren studied at the Nofi Golan high school, majoring in physics and chemistry, and served as an tank commander in the IDF (2005-2008). In 2009 he started his studies for a B.Sc. in Physics and Chemistry (Amirim Teva honors program) at the Hebrew university, and did his Amirim project at Prof. Uri Raviv group (Structure and intermolecular interactions). In 2013 he joined the applied physics department as a M.Sc. student, and is currently a member in Prof. Uriel Levy's Nano-Opto research group. His areas of research is gain-enhanced propagation of surface plasmons in V-groove metallic waveguides.