Sagi Frishman

Sagi Frishman, I am 30 years old, grew up in Givatayim and living in Jerusalem with my wife, Shira. During my high school time, I was a professional swimmer and a water polo player and, on my spare time, I initiated several projects in the World Wide Web. I learnt in an accelerated class for mathematics, physics and computer sciences. I served at the Intelligence Corps of the IDF as a software developer in an innovative and unique team, within an academic environment, and won some prizes for excellence. After that, I spent a year as a developer in the R&D group of SAP Labs. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student at the Applied Physics Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, under the supervision of Prof. Aharon J. Agranat. After completing my B.Sc. degrees on Physics and Computer Science, I have joined the research group of Prof. Agranat. My M.Sc. thesis focuses on the topic of Bragg gratings embedded in a slab waveguide fabricated by the implantation of high-energy light ions in KLTN substrate, the results of this research were published in Applied Physics B and demonstrates the potential of RI-Eng for constructing complex electro-optical integrated circuits. On my Ph.D. studies, we are concentrating on producing a novel physical chassis for implementing wavelength selective switching for the next generation interconnection network of data centers. The research includes expertise in many areas, such as: network communication, high skills of programming, simulation tools, non-linear optics, fabrication proccess, nuclear physics and etc. We believe that this research will lead to a new chapter in computer engineering.