Yossi Kabessa

Yossi Kabessa, 30 & father of three, is a M.Sc. student in the Applied Physics Department at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In high school, Yossi majored in physics. After serving in the IDF as a combat soldier in the armored corps, he started his B.Sc. degree in Physics at the Hebrew University (2006-2009). In his B.Sc. he received scholarships for excellence from The Hebrew University and from Leumi Foundation for Excellence. Yossi is a Teaching Assistant (TA) for undergraduate and graduate applied physics courses. Yossi is currently a member of Prof. Agranat's research group, focusing his M.Sc. research on "Simultaneous Detection of Different Substances by Ensembles of live Bacteria". Challenged and fascinated with the combination of an optoelectronic system with a biological entity, Yossi constructed a biosensor at the heart of which reside live bacteria that become fluorescent when they sense the presence of the substance they are engineered to detect. He created special architecture in which different colonies of bacteria, each modified to detect different substance, will be monitored simultaneously by one detector. Such a system has various applications ranging from environmental monitoring to public health and homeland security.