Amir Capua

Dr. Amir Capua

Head of The Spintronics Lab
The Peter Brojde Scholar 2018-2020
Amir Capua


Amir Capua heads the Spintronics lab at the Applied Physics Department of the Hebrew University. Amir completed his B.Sc (2006) at the Electrical Engineering Dpt. at the Technion, Haifa, Israel. There, he also carried out his Ph.D research in the group of prof. Gadi Eisenstein exploring the ultrafast quantum coherent dynamics in nanometric semiconductor lasers and optical amplifiers. He carried out his post-doctoral research at the IBM Almaden Research Labs, California, in the field of Spintronics in the group of Prof. Stuart Parkin, who is among the founding fathers of the field.

Since 2017 he heads the Spintronics group at the Hebrew university exploring the electronic spins in atomically engineered solid state devices to overcome the limits of conventional electronics for sensing, processing, and memory applications.

Contact Information

p: +972-(0)2-5494896