Ilya Goykhman

Ilya Goykhman is currently a Ph.D. student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Department of Applied Physics. He was born in the former Soviet Union and at age 16 moved with his family to Israel. Ilya finished high school at the Technological College of the Air Force in Haifa, specializating in electronics, and continued his education (B.Sc.) at Technion University in the faculty of Electrical Engineering. In 2003, he joined the Department of Applied Physics in the Hebrew University as a M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Joseph Shappir, and Prof. Shlomo Itzhaik from the Department of Chemistry. During his M.Sc. studies, Ilya was involved in the multidisciplinary research of integrating active biological materials with solid-state devices to create an artificial chemical synapse. He graduated (Cum Laude) in 2006 with a Master's Thesis entitled "Highly sensitive EnFET for direct recording of molecular dipole variations". Ilya is currently a member of Dr. Uriel Levy's Nano-Opto group as a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Uriel Levy and Prof. Joseph Shappir. Ilya's main research interests include silicon photonics, plasmonics, nanoelectronics, biosensing and modern technology and fabrication issues. His graduate study is aimed at developing and realizating active, CMOS-compatible nanophotonic and nanoplasmic devices for light manipulation on-chip. Mr. Goykhman'™s scholarship was donated by Lillian and Bryant Shiller.