Shani Rosen

Shani Rosen, 24, grew up in Tel Aviv. She is currently studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for her M.Sc. Degree in Applied Physics with specialization in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. While in high school, she concentrated her studies in Physics and History, thus combining her two passions for knowledge - Philosophy and Science. Her dream is to be able to contribute to the well-being of mankind through the use of science & technology. Shani served in the Israeli Air Force as a flight simulator trainer for pilots (2004-2006), a role that combines a high level of technological and instructional challenges. After her release from duty, she started her B.Sc. studies in Physics and Cognitive Sciences within the framework of ?Amirim , the special program for outstanding students at the Hebrew University (2006-2009). During her studies she worked in a biological-physics lab on a project aimed at understanding the mechanisms that allow bacteria colonies to survive antibiotic therapy. Shani graduated her B.Sc. studies with excellence and continued towards her M.Sc. in Applied Physics under the supervision of Prof. Aharon Agranat. Her Thesis project is in the field of sub diffraction limit resolution in fluorescence microscopy. Ms. Rosen's scholarship was donated by Mrs. And Mr. Michael Blumenstein together with the Peter Brojde Center.