
PhD position available

November 30, 2021

Interested to engage in Photonics research? Projects at the forefront of optical science and technology available. Please inquire by email.

Nadav Amitai joins lab

March 1, 2017

Nadav joins our lab as a new M.Sc. student who will be involved in nanophotonic waveguide design and implementation.

Latest paper highlighted by OSA!

January 15, 2017

Our Survey paper on spatially and spectrally flexible photonic switches was highlighted by OSA! It is also a top download!

Eran Aharon joins lab

October 2, 2016

Eran joins our lab as a new M.Sc. student who will be designing optical waveguides for switching.

Lior Rechtman joins lab

September 1, 2016

LiorĀ joins our lab as a new M.Sc. student who will be involved in space division multiplexing optical fiber communications.

Moriya Rosenfeld joins lab

August 1, 2016

Moriya joins our lab as a new undergraduate student who will be involved in 3D nano-printing.

PetaCloud Consortium Authorized

May 30, 2016

Israel Innovation Authority today confirmed the formation of PetaCloud, a consortium of industrial and academic partners who will develop the world's leading hybrid datacenter networking solution.