A Molcas Users Workshop will take place on the 6th of February just before the Developers Meeting. The workshop will be in the computer class room 4 (כיתה 4) of the Sprinzak Building on the Givat Ram Campus. The required programs will be installed locally for the workshop so the participants don't need to bring a laptop. The participation is free of charge but the number of participants is limited to 30.
The program of the workshop is the following:
9.30- 10.30 Introduction to Molcas lecture1.pdf
10.30-12.00 Introduction lab lab1.pdf
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 MCSCF lecture2.pdf
14.30-16.00 MCSCF lab lab2.zip
16.00-17.00 Dynamics
17.00-18.00 Dynamics lab lab3.zip slides.pdf