Professor Dan Diner

Emeritus Professor at the Department of History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Principal Investigator of the ERC-Advanced Grant Research Project: "JudgingHistories. Experience, Judgement and Representation of World War II in an Age of Globalization« at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Emeritus Professor at the Department of History, University of Leipzig, Germany.
From 1999 to 2014 director of the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture, Leipzig, Germany.
Regular Member of the Philological-Historical Class of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences Leipzig, Germany. Project: »European Traditions – Encyclopedia of Jewish Cultures«.
Since 2001 Professor of Modern European History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1999–2014 Professor at the Department of History, Leipzig University
1999–2014 Director of the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture
1999–2001 Professor, Department of History, Ben Gurion University of the Negev/Beer Sheva
1997–1999 Holder of the Benyamin and Chaya Schapelski Chair of Holocaust Studies, Tel Aviv University
1994–1999 Director, Institute for German History, Tel Aviv University
1987–1999 Professor, Department of History, Tel Aviv University
1985–1999 Professor, Department of History, University of Essen
1984–1985 Assistant Professor, University of Syddansk
Professorships and Fellowships
2014 & 2015 |
The Joyce Zeger Greenberg Visiting Professorship, University of Chicago (Chicago Center for Jewish Studies) |
2014/15 |
EURIAS Fellow, Swedish Colloquium for Advanced Study (SCAS), Upsala |
2011 |
Research Fellow, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Carolina Center for Jewish Studies) and Wake Forest University Winston-Salem |
2010 |
City of Vienna/IFK Fellow, International Research Center for Culturas Studies, Vienna |
2008 |
Research Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University |
2004/05 |
Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton |
2003 |
Visiting Professor, Mansfield College, Oxford |
2003 |
Visiting Professor, Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies, University of Lucerne |
2001 |
Research Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
1997/98 |
Visiting Researcher, Professor, International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna |
1997 |
Visiting Professor, University of Munich |
1984/85 |
Visiting Professor, Political Science, University of Osnabrück |
1982–1984 |
Visiting Professor, Political Science, University of Marburg |
1981/82 |
Visiting Professor, Political Science, Gesamthochschule Kassel |
1980 1978/79 |
Postdoctoral lecturer qualification Visiting Professor, Political Science, Gesamthochschule Kassel |
Selected publications
Rituelle Distanz. Israels deutsche Frage, Munich 2015.
Zeitenschwelle. Gegenwartsfragen an die Geschichte, Munich 2010.
Aufklärungen. Über Varianten von Moderne, Monograph Series of the Vontobel Foundation, Zurich 2008.
Gegenläufige Gedächtnisse. Über Geltung und Wirkung des Holocaust, Toldot Series, Vol. 7, Göttingen 2007.
Karşıt Hafızalar. Soykırımın Önemi ve Etkisi Üzerine, Istanbul 2011 (Turkish translation of: Gegenläufige Gedächtnisse. Über Geltung und Wirkung des Holocaust, Göttingen 2007).
Versiegelte Zeit. Über den Stillstand in der islamischen Welt, Propyläen, Berlin 2005.
Il tempo sospeso. Stasi e crisi nel mondo musulmano, Garzanti Libri Milano, 2007 (Italian translation of: Versiegelte Zeit. Über den Stillstand in der islamischen Welt, Berlin 2005).
Lost in the Sacred: Why the Muslims world stood still, Princeton 2009 (English translation of: Versiegelte Zeit. Über den Stillstand in der islamischen Welt, Berlin 2005).
Az-zaman al-makhtum. 'ala ar-rukud fi-l-'alam al-islami, Köln/Bagdad/Beirut 2011 (Arabic translation of: Versiegelte Zeit. Über den Stillstand in der islamischen Welt, Berlin 2005).
Mühürlenmiş Zaman. İslam Dünyasındaki Durgunluk Üzerine, Istanbul 2011 (Turkish translation of: Versiegelte Zeit. Über den Stillstand in der islamischen Welt, Berlin 2005).
Gedächtniszeiten. Über jüdische und andere Geschichten, Munich 2003.
Feindbild Amerika. Über die Beständigkeit eines Ressentiments, Berlin 2002 (extended version).
Beyond the Conceivable. Studies on Germany, Nazism and the Holocaust, Berkeley 2000.
Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, Munich 1999.
Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, Frankfurt/M. 2000 (Paperback Edition).
Raccontare il Novecento. Una storia politica, Milano 2001 (Italian translation of: Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, München 1999).
Raccontare il Novecento. Una storia politica, Milano 2007 (Paperback Edition) (Italian translation of: Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, Munich 1999).
Cataclysms. A History of the Twentieth Century from Europe’s Edge, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 2008 (English translation of: Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, Munich 1999).
Zrozumiec stulecie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2009 (Polish translation of: Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, Munich 1999).
Zeitenbruch, Tel Aviv 2009 (Hebrew translation of: Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, Munich 1999).
Yüzyılı Anlamak. Evrensel Bir Tarih Yorumu, Istanbul 2009 (Turkish translation of: Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, Munich 1999).
Porozumět dvacátému století, Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, Brno 2010 (Czech translation of: Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, Munich 1999).
Razumjeti stoljeće. Općepovijesno tumačenje, Zaprešić 2013 (Croatian translation of: Das Jahrhundert verstehen. Eine universalhistorische Deutung, Muich 1999).
Kreisläufe. Nationalsozialismus und Gedächtnis, Berlin 1995.
Krugovoroty. Nacional-socializm i pamjat', Moskau 2010 (Russian translation of: Kreisläufe. Nationalsozialismus und Gedächtnis, Berlin 1995).
Weltordnungen. Zur Geschichte und Wirkung von Recht und Macht, Frankfurt/M. 1993.
Verkehrte Welten. Antiamerikanismus in Deutschland, Frankfurt/M. 1993.
America in the Eyes of Germans. An Essay on Antiamericanism, Princeton 1996 (English translation of: Verkehrte Welten. Antiamerikanismus in Deutschland, Frankfurt/M. 1993).
Der Krieg der Erinnerungen und die Ordnung der Welt, Berlin 1991.
Israel in Palästina. Über Tausch und Gewalt im Vorderen Orient, Königstein/Ts. 1980 (Habilitation dissertation).
Der Einfluß von Kriegsbegriff und Waffenstillstandsvertrag auf das Kriegsende im modernen Völkerrecht, Frankfurt/M. 1973 (Doctoral dissertation).
On behalf of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig
„Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur“, Volume 1-6 (2011-2015)
Publications of the Simon Dubnow Institute, 1999–2014:
Leipziger Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur
Schriften des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts
Toldot – Essays zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur/Essays on Jewish History and Culture
Babylon. Beiträge zur jüdischen Gegenwart
Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory
History & Memory. Studies in Representation of the Past (1988–1998)
Jewish History Quarterly (Warsaw)
Leo Baeck Institute Year Book
Naharaim. Zeitschrift für deutsch-jüdische Literatur und Kulturgeschichte / Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History
Storia della Shoah. La crisi dell'Europa, lo sterminio degli ebrei e la memoria del XX secolo
Tabur. Yearbook for European History, Society, Culture and Thought
Tel Aviv Yearbook for German History (1994–1999)
• Center of Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg, Member of the Academic Board
• Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk e.V., Member of the Council
• Fritz Bauer Institute Frankfurt am Main, Member of the Scientific Council
• German Marshall Fund of the United States, Member of the Advisory Committee
• »Künste im Exil« of the German National Library Frankfurt am Main, Member of the Academic Board
• Hannah Arendt Institute for Research on Totalitarianism, Technical University Dresden, Member of the Friends Association of the Institute
• Herder Institute e. V. Marburg, Member
• Foundation Fund, The Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Member of the Board of Trustees
• Martin-Buber-Werkausgabe (MBW), Member of the Academic Board
• Project »Wissenschaftliche Stadtgeschichte Leipzigs 2015«, Member of the Board of Trustees
• The Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Permanent Academic Member
• The Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center Jerusalem, Member of the Academic Board
• Foundation Topography of Terror Berlin, Member of the Foundation Council
• Foundation Topography of Terror Berlin, Member of the International Advisory Council
• Vienna Fund for Science, Research and Technology (WWTF), Member of the Advisory Council