Dr. Kobi Kabalek

In 2013, he earned his PhD in History at the University of Virginia. Title of the dissertation: The Rescue of Jews and the Memory of Nazism in Germany, from the Third Reich to the Present. Since October 2014 he is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the ERC Research Project "JudgingHistories. Experience, Judgement and Representation of World War II in an Age of Globalization" at the Hebrew University Jerusalem. From 2007-2013 he was a PhD candidate at the Department of History at the University of Virginia. From 2004-2007 he was a PhD candidate at the Institute for Cultural Studies at the Humboldt University, Berlin. From 2001-2004 M.A. studies in German History at the Ben-Gurion University of Beer Sheva, Israel. Title of M.A. thesis: The Presence of the History of Memory: Young Germans and the Nazi Past. From 1997-2000 B.A. studies in General History and Middle East Studies, also at the Ben-Gurion University.
Co-edited with Michael Elm and Julia Köhne. The Horrors of Trauma in Cinema: Violence, Void,
Visualization (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, forthcoming)
Associate editor (August 2013-present) of the journal Dapim – Studies on the Holocaust
Co-editor (Oct. 2012-present) of the journal Hagar – Studies in Culture, Polity, and Identities
Editor of a special issue of Hagar on “Memory and Periphery” (forthcoming in June 2014).
“What Is the Context of Memory?,” in Gerd Sebald and Jatin Wagle, eds, Theorizing Social
Memories: Concepts and Contexts (forthcoming in Routledge).
“Cultural Memory and Transcultural Memory – A Conceptual Analysis” (with Peter Carrier), in Lucy Bond and Jessica Rapson, eds, The Transcultural Turn: Interrogating Memory
between and Beyond Borders (forthcoming).
“Die Bedeutung der Arbeit in Interviews mit ehemaligen KZ-Häftlingen,” in Gerhard Botz,
Alexander Prenninger, Regina Fritz, and Eva Brücker, eds, Mauthausen überleben und erinnern.
Vol. 2: Leben und Überleben im Konzentrationslagerkomplex Mauthausen (forthcoming).
“Narrationen moralischer Grenzüberschreitung: Stehlen und
Kannibalismus im Lagerkomplex Mauthausen” (with Imke Hansen), in Gerhard Botz, Alexander Prenninger, Regina Fritz, and Eva Brücker, eds, Mauthausen überleben und erinnern. Vol. 2: Leben und Überleben im
Konzentrationslagerkomplex Mauthausen (forthcoming).
“The Routes of Jews to Mauthausen,” in Gerhard Botz, Alexander Prenninger and Regina Fritz, eds,
Mauthausen überleben und erinnern. Vol. 1: Wege nach Mauthausen (forthcoming).
“Introduction: The Horrors of Trauma in Cinema” (with Michael Elm and Julia Köhne), in The Horrors of Trauma in Cinema: Violence, Void, Visualization (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, forthcoming)
„Das Scheitern und die Erinnerung: Über das Nicht-Retten von Juden in zwei deutschen
Nachkriegsfilmen,“ in Lisa Bolyos and Katharina Morawek, eds, Diktatorpuppe zerstört, Schaden
gering: Kunst und Geschichtspolitik im Postnazismus (Vienna: Mandelbaum, 2012), 92-103.
Sammelrezension: „Alternative Deutungen – Antisemitismus, Holocausterinnerung
und Hörspiel in der DDR,“ Medaon – Magazin für jüdisches Leben in Forschung und Bildung
5. Jg. (2011), Nr. 9: 1-6, (http://medaon.de/pdf/R_Kabalek-9-2011.pdf)
“The Commemoration before the Commemoration: Yad Vashem and the Righteous Among the
Nations, 1945-1963,” Yad Vashem Studies 39: 1 (2011): 169-211.
„Spuren vergangener Geschichte/n: Die ‚NS-Zeit’ in Interviews mit jungen Deutschen aus der
ehemaligen DDR,“ in Julia Obertreis and Anke Stephan, eds, Erinnerungen nach der Wende: Oral
History und (post)sozialistische Gesellschaften (Essen: Klartext, 2009), 121-132.
“Immediate Memories: Written Experiences of the Nazi Past in Occupied Germany, 1945-1949,” in
Withold Bonner and Arja Rosenholm, eds, Re-Calling the Past – (Re)constructing the Past:
Collective and Individual Memory of World War II in Russia and Germany (Helsinki: Aleksanteri
Institute, 2008), 137-146.
“Unheroic Heroes: Re-Viewing Roman Polanski’s ‘The Pianist’ in Germany and Israel,” in Vera
Apfelthaler and Julia Köhne, eds, Gendered Memories: Transgressions in German and Israeli Film
and Theater (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2007), 61-82.
“Border/Crossings of Jewish Identity: The Righteous Among the Nations,” in Gerd Sebald, Michael
Popp, and Jan Weyand, eds, GrenzGänge – BorderCrossings: Kulturtheoretische Perspektiven
(LIT-Verlag: Münster, 2006), 141-161.