To purchase or authenticate to the full-text of this article, please visit this link:
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cobi.12562/abstract Byline: Salit Kark, Eran Brokovich, Tessa Mazor, Noam Levin Keywords: deep sea; fossil fuels; hydrocarbons; marine biodiversity; marine conservation; natural gas; offshore drilling; oil; biodiversidad marina; combustible fosil; conservacion marina; excavacion petrolera en mar abierto; gas natural; mar profundo; petroleo Abstract Globally, extensive marine areas important for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem functioning are undergoing exploration and extraction of oil and natural gas resources. Such operations are expanding to previously inaccessible deep waters and other frontier regions, while conservation-related legislation and planning is often lacking. Conservation challenges arising from offshore hydrocarbon development are wide-ranging. These challenges include threats to ecosystems and marine species from oil spills, negati