Setting Priorities for Regional Conservation Planning in the Mediterranean Sea.


Micheli F, Levin N, Giakoumi S, Katsanevakis S, ABDULLA A, Coll M, Fraschetti S, Kark S, KOUTSOUBAS D, Mackelworth P, et al. Setting Priorities for Regional Conservation Planning in the Mediterranean Sea. [Internet]. 2013.


Spatial prioritization in conservation is required to direct limited resources to where actions are most urgently needed and most likely to produce effective conservation outcomes. In an effort to advance the protection of a highly threatened hotspot of marine biodiversity, the Mediterranean Sea, multiple spatial conservation plans have been developed in recent years. Here, we review and integrate these different plans with the goal of identifying priority conservation areas that represent the current consensus among the different initiatives. A review of six existing and twelve proposed conservation initiatives highlights gaps in conservation and management planning, particularly within the southern and [...]
