Lecturer (assistant professor)
The Department of Soil and Water Sciences
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Currently on sabbatical at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (http://www.idaea.csic.es), Barcelona, Spain
Background and expertise: In my predoctoral studies (BSc in Geology + BSc in Civil & Environmental Eng. (CEE), both Cum Laude, MSc in Agri. Eng., Technion, Israel) I conducted field studies of rock slope stability and river-groundwater interactions. In my PhD (CEE in UC Berkeley) I developed a novel computational technique to explain sediment deformation. For my postdoctoral research (MIT, also in CEE) I combined simulations and experiments to develop a theory predicting the mode of fluid invasion into deformable porous media. Since 2012 I am a tenure-track lecturer in Soil and Water Sciences (Hebrew University, Israel). As faculty I established a research group (consisting of 3 PhD and 2 MS students, 1 postdoc and 1 technician), raised funding (~1,200,000 USD), taught courses and participated in panels and committees. Our group combines numerical simulations and experiments to gain fundamental understanding of multiphase and reactive flow in deformable porous media.
Research interests: I am a computational geoscientist interested in the coupling of multiphase and reactive fluid flow and mechanical and chemical deformation in the subsurface. I integrate simulations, experiments and theory to understand the interplay between hydrodynamics, geomechanics, and geochemistry. My research, which cuts across the interface of engineering and physics, is motivated by environmental and energy applications such as soil infiltration and evapotranspiration, contaminant transport and remediation, enhanced hydrocarbon recovery and carbon geosequestration. Current projects range from basic, pore-scale studies--for instance the effects of microstructural heterogeneity, matrix deformation and wettability on fluid displacement, to applied, field-scale problems, such as managed aquifer recharge and impact of biochar agricultural application.
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