Parliaments and Government Termination, London: Routledge, 2024. Also a Special Issue of the journal West European Politics, Vol. 45, #3, 2022 (with Bjørn Erik Rasch). Oxford Handbook of Israeli Politics and Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021 (with Alan Dowty, Menachem Hofnung and Gideon Rahat).Understanding Electoral Reform, London: Routledge, 2012. Also a Special Issue of the journal West European Politics, Vol. 34, #3, May 2011 (with Monique Leyenaar). Israeli Party Politics: New Approaches, New Perspectives. A Special Issue of the journal Party Politics, Vol. 14, #6, November 2008 (with Gideon Rahat).Cohesion and Discipline in Legislatures: Political Parties, Party Leadership, Parliamentary Committees and Governance, London: Routledge, 2006. Also a Special Issue of the Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 9, #4, Winter 2003. Democratizing Candidate Selection: Causes and Consequences. A Special Issue of the journal Party Politics, Vol. 7, #3, May 2001 (with Paul Pennings). The Uneasy Relationship Between Parliamentary Members and Leaders. London: Frank Cass, 2000. Also a special issue of the Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 5, #3-4, Autumn/Winter 1999 (with Lawrence D. Longley).Parties, Elections and Cleavages: Israel in Comparative and Theoretical Perspective. London: Frank Cass, 2000. Also a special issue of the journal Israel Affairs, Vol. 6, #2, Winter 1999 (with Moshe Maor). Printer-friendly version