Ab initio calculation of anharmonic vibrational states of polyatomic systems: Electronic structure combined with vibrational self-consistent field

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An algorithm for first-principles calculation of vibrational spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules is proposed, which combines electronic ab initio codes with the vibrational self-consistent field (VSCF) method, and with a perturbation-theoretic extension of VSCF. The integrated method directly uses points on the potential energy surface, computed from the electronic ab initio code, in the VSCF part. No fitting of an analytic potential function is involved. A key element in the approach is the approximation that only interactions between pairs of normal modes are important, while interactions of triples or more can be neglected. This assumption was found to hold well in applications. The new algorithm was applied to the fundamental vibrational excitations of H(2)O, Cl(-)(H(2)O), and (H(2)O)(2), using the Moller-Plesset method for the electronic structure. The vibrational frequencies found are in very good accord with experiments. Estimates suggest that this electronic ab initio/VSCF approach should be feasible, with reasonable computational resources, for all-mode calculations of vibrational energies and wave functions for systems of up to 10-15 atoms. The new method can be also very useful for testing the accuracy of electronic structure codes by comparing with experimental vibrational spectroscopy. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)01928-5].