Fans of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are going to love these retro travel prints by Teacup Piranha on Etsy! Each print advertises a different destination–Mordor, Rivendell, Rohan, and The Shire–featured in the films. Your home/hobbit hole will look splendid with one of these featured on the wall, and you don’t need to sneak past Sauron to get one! You can purchase all four together or pick up your favorites individually. (spotted by Middle-earth News reporter Lily)
Emil Johansson has just released a new chart today on his website LotrProject! This interactive graph is a representation of the time and distance traveled by Bilbo and Frodo in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, respectively. You can hover and click on every point on the line to show more information about the events on each day. Enjoy! (spotted by Middle-earth News editor Oloriel)
In a new blog post at Part Time Monster, Gene’O argues, “Gollum is the character that makes [The Lord of the Rings] work. He connects Isildur and Mordor to the Shire. He moves the plot. The Hobbit and The Silmarillion are part of this story, too. Bilbo’s encounter with Gollum in The Hobbit gives him what he needs to actually BE a burglar instead of just pretending, and it’s not just about the Ring. Bilbo is changed by the chance encounter of ‘Riddles in the Dark,’ and Gollum is given motivation. Those are important.” (spotted by Middle-earth News reporter Lily)