Legolas Greenleef

Legolas was the son of Thranduil, the King of the Elves of Northern Mirkwood. The date of his birth is unknown and little to nothing was revealed on his earlier life in Middle-earth.
War of the Ring
Legolas came to the Council of Elrond in Rivendell, the great meeting held by the Elf lord Elrond, as a messenger from his father to discuss the escape of Gollum. When the council was choosing the "Nine Walkers" to pit against the "Nine Riders," Legolas volunteered to represent the elves, and become one of the members of theFellowship that set out to destroy the One Ring.[3]
Legolas in combat with the Goblins during theSkirmish in Balin's Tomb.
During their journey, Legolas stayed at the rear due to his keen eyes. On Caradhras, Legolas was able to run nimbly over the snow, making little imprint in it, whereas his companions struggled to plow through it.[4] When Gandalf gave his counsel, Legolas voted against passing through Moria. In the morning, the Fellowship was waylaid by wargs and Legolas fought for their defense. After the battle, he picked up his arrows save by one which was damaged.[5]
Gimli quarreled with him in Moria which was not unexpected considering the ancient quarrel between Elves and Dwarves, which began after the destruction of Doriath, and also because Legolas' father Thranduil once imprisoned Gimli's father, Glóin.[6]
He and Gimli became friends, moreover, when Gimli greeted the Elven queen, Galadriel, with gentle words. The Fellowship left Lothlórien after receiving several gifts. Legolas was given a newGaladhrim longbow, along with other gifts that Galadriel and Celeborn gave him and the rest of the Fellowship, such as Elven cloaks and Lembas, elven bread.[7] While the Fellowship was travelling over the River Anduin, Legolas used his new bow to shoot down a nearby Nazgûl with one masterful shot in the dark.[8]
Legolas and Aragorn sang a song of lament for the fall of Boromir.[9] He led the rest of the Fellowship throughRohan when Merry and Pippin were taken by the Uruk-hai. Also in Rohan, he acquired a grey horse namedArod on which he and Gimli would often ride together.[10]
In Fangorn Forest, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli were reunited with Gandalf, now called the White. Upon their meeting, Gandalf delivered the messages of Galadriel to the Three Hunters:
- "Legolas Greenleaf, long under tree, In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea! If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more."
- —Galadriel's message to Legolas[1]
Legolas and Gimli at Helm's Deep, byJohn Howe
In the Battle of the Hornburg, Legolas and Gimli engaged in an Orc-slaying contest[11] that Gimli won (the score being 41 to 42, respectively), though Legolas was not jealous, stating "You have passed my score by one but I do not grudge you the game, so glad am I to see you on your legs."[12]
In Rohan, he and Gimli followed Aragorn and Elladan and Elrohir to thePaths of the Dead. His horse, Arod, refused to enter the paths, and Legolas calmed him. Their company rode on, with Elladan on the last, but Legolas turned back and saw the Dead following the Grey Company.
- "The Dead are following. I see shapes of Men and of horses, and pale banners like shreds of cloud, and spears like winter-thickets on a misty night. The Dead are following."
- —Legolas in the Paths of the Dead [13]
Legolas fought in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields with Gimli and the sons of Elrond.[14] After the battle, he and Gimli entered Minas Tirith; Legolas sang an elven-song as he walked, and suggested that the place needed more gardens. They meet Prince Imrahil and went to the Houses of Healing. There he heard the cries of the gulls at Pelargir and sang a song about his sea-longing.[15]
Silver flow the streams from Celos to Erui
In the green fields of Lebennin!
Tall grows the grass there. In the wind from the Sea
The white lilies sway,
And the golden bells are shaken of mallos and alfirin
In the green fields of Lebennin,
In the wind from the Sea! [15]
After the War
Legolas and Gimli sail to Valinor, by Ted Nasmith
After the destruction of the One Ring and of Sauron, Legolas stayed for the coronation of Aragorn and his marriage to Arwen. Later, Legolas and Gimli went travelling together to Helm's Deep, visiting the Glittering Caves, and then later traveled through Fangorn Forest as Legolas and Gimli had agreed. Eventually, Legolas came to Ithilien with some of his people, with his father's leave, to live out his remaining time in Middle-earth helping to restore the devastatedforests of that war-ravaged land. After the death of King Elessar, Legolas made a ship in Ithilien, and through Anduin, he left Middle-earth to go over the sea. His strong friendship with Gimli prompted him to invite Gimli to go to the Undying Lands; making him the first and only Dwarf to do so.[16][2]