A. Books
- Isaac Cardoso, Las Excelencias de los Hebreos. Translated from Spanish with Introduction and Notes by Yosef Kaplan, Bialik Institute, Dorot Library, Jerusalem, 1971,151 pp. (Hebrew).
- From Christianity to Judaism: The Life and Work of Isaac Orobio de Castro, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1982, xi +463 pp. (Hebrew).
English Translation:
From Christianity to Judaism. The Story of Isaac Orobio de Castro, translated from the Hebrew by Professor R. Loewe, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oxford University Press, 1989, 531 pp.
Portuguese Translation:
Do Cristianismo ao Judaísmo. A História de Isaac Oróbio de Castro, translated by Henrique de Araújo Mesquita, Imago, Rio de Janeiro, 2000, 542 pp.
- The Western Sephardi Diaspora, Tel Aviv, 1994, 140 pp. (Hebrew).
- Judíos Nuevos en Amsterdam. Estudios sobre la historia social e intelectual del judaísmo sefardí en el siglo XVII, Gedisa, Barcelona, 1996, 191 pp.
French Translation:
Les nouveaux juifs d’Amsterdam, translated by J. Hamon and C. Aslanov, éditions Chandeigne, Paris, 1999, 250 pp.
- An Alternative Path to Modernity. The Western Sephardi Diaspora in the Seventeenth Century. E.J. Brill, Leiden, 2000, ix + 309 pp.
Enlarged Hebrew Version:
From New Christians to New Jews, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2002, 335 pp.
Russian Translation:
Альтернативный путь к Новому времени: Сефардская диаспора в Западной Европе, перевод Алисы Крупновой и Любовь Черниной, Книжники, Москва, 2014, стр. 312.
Italian Translation:
Altre vie per la modernità .La diaspora sefardita nell Europa moderna (secc. xvii-xviii). Translated from the English by Martina Mampieri. New Digital Press, Palermo (in preparation).
- The Posen Anthology of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Vol. 5, 1500-1750, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1000 pp. (forthcoming 2018).
- The Anusim. Unit 10 of the Course: “Jews and Christians in Western Europe. Encounter between Cultures in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance”, Volume 5, Tel Aviv, The Open University, 1998, pp. 183-297 (Hebrew).
Russian translation
Мараны. Часть 10 курса: “Полемика и взаимовлияние культур: Евреи и христиане в Западной Европе до начала Нового времени”, книга 6, Тель Авив, Открытый университет, 2006, стр. 11-142.
- “Major Trends in the History of Medieval Jewry” in BA Jewish History. Subject Introductions, Vol. 1, University of London, External Programme, London, 2002, pp. 15-44.
- “Spanish Jewry and the Sephardi World” in BA Jewish History – Subject Introductions, Vol. 2, University of London, External Programme, London, 2002, pp. 161-183.
C. Editor of:
- The Portuguese Community of Amsterdam in the Seventeenth Century. Catalogue of the Exhibition to Mark the 300th Anniversary of the Inauguration of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, 1975, 74 + 68 pp. (Hebrew and English).
- (with R. Weiser), Treasures from the Library Ets Haim - Livraria Montezinos of the Portugees Israëlietisch Seminarium Ets Haim, Amsterdam. Exhibition, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, 1980, ix + 119 pp. (Hebrew and English).
- Jews and Conversos. Studies in Society and the Inquisition, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1985, 236 pp.
- (with A. Mirsky and A. Grossman), Exile and Diaspora. Studies in the History of the Jewish People Presented to Professor Haim Beinart on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, The Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, 1988, 598 pp. (Hebrew).
- (with M. Stern) Acculturation and Assimilation: Continuity and Change in the Cultures of Israel and the Nations, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1989, 260 pp. (Hebrew).
- (with H. Méchoulan and R.H. Popkin), Menasseh ben Israel and His World, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1989, ix + 278 pp.
- (with A. Mirsky and A. Grossman), Exile and Diaspora. Studies in the History of the Jewish People Presented to Professor Haim Beinart on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, The Ben-Zvi Institute-Consejo Superior, Jerusalem and Madrid, 1991, 270 pp.
- (with D.S. Katz), Exile and Return. Anglo-Jewry through the Ages, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1993, 163 pp. (Hebrew).
- (with Y. Assis), Jews and Conversos at the Time of the Expulsion, Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1999, xv + 322 + 171 pp. (Hebrew and English sections)
- (with C. Brasz), Dutch Jews as Perceived by Themselves and by Others, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 2001, xiv + 457 pp.
- (with A. Grossman), Kehal Ysrael. Jewish Self-Rule through the Ages, vol. 2, The Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2004, 403 pp. (Hebrew).
- Fins de Siècle – End of Ages, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2005, 415 pp. (Hebrew).
- (with M. Sluhovsky), Libraries and Book Collections, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2006, 520 pp. (Hebrew).
- The Dutch Intersection. The Jews and the Netherlands in Modern History, E.J. Brill, Leiden – Boston 2008, 520 pp.
- (with J. Hacker and B.Z. Kedar), From Sages to Savants. Studies Presented to Avraham Grossman, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2009, 455 pp. (Hebrew).
- (with Y. Ben Naeh, J. Cohen and M. Idel), Studies in Jewish History Presented to Joseph Hacker , The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2014, 596+xi pp. (Hebrew).
- (with I. Etkes and D. Assaf), Milestones. Essays in Jewish History Dedicated to Zvi (Kuti) Yekutiel, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2015, 544 pp. (Hebrew).
- (with Avi Elqayam), Conceal the Outcasts. Jews with Hidden Identities, Ben- Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 2016, 360 +7 pp. (Hebrew).
- (with Dan Michman), The Religious Cultures of Dutch Jewry, E.J. Brill, Leiden-Boston 2017, xxx + 368 pp.
- Early Modern Ethnic and Religious Communities in Exile, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne 2017, xiii+383 pp.
- (with Ruth Fine, Shimrit Peled and Yoav Rinon), Eros, Family and Community, Georg Olms Verlag AG, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 2017, 278 pp.
- (with Moshe Assis, Moshe Bar Asher and Yehuda Liebes), A Collection of Essays in Jewish Studies in Memory of Professor Meir Benaiahu (Hebrew, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University Press, forthcoming 2018).
- Early Modern Ethnic and Religious Communities in Exile, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge (forthcoming October 2017).
- Religious Changes and Cultural Transformations in the Early Modern Western Sephardic Communities, E.J. Brill, Leiden-Boston (forthcoming 2018).
D. Editor of Periodicals
- (with I.M.Ta-Shma and W.Z. Harvey), Tarbiz. A Quarterly for Research in Jewish Studies (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) LXI (1991/92), LXII (1992/93), LXIII (1993/94), LXIV (1994/95), LXV (1995/96).
- (with R.I.Cohen and A. Oppenheimer), Zion. A Quarterly for Research in Jewish History (The Historical Society of Israel) LXIII (1998), LXIV (1999), LXV (2000), LXVI (2001); (with I. Etkes and A. Oppenheimer), LXVII (2002), LXVIII (2003), LXIX (2004); with Baumgarten and I. Etkes LXX (2005); LXXI (2006).
E. Articles
- "Introduction", Kol Tefila Ve Kol Zimra, David Franco Mendes, Amsterdam 1769, Photocopy of the Original Manuscript (20 C 15) of the Portugees Israëlitisch Seminarium Etz Haim/Livraria Montezinos. The Hebrew University, Department of Jewish History, Series of Documents and Studies , 2 pages.
- "The Attitude of the Leadership of the Portuguese Community in Amsterdam to the Sabbatian Movement 1665-1671", Zion XXXIX (1974), pp. 198-216 (Hebrew).
- “R. Saul Levi Morteira's Treatise 'Arguments Against the Christian Religion'" in Studies in the History of Dutch Jewry, Vol. 1, edited by Jozeph Michman, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1975, pp. 9-31 (Hebrew).
Condensed English translation in Emmanuel II (Fall 1980), pp. 95-112.
- “Nueva información sobre la estancia de Juan de Prado en Amberes", Sefarad XXXV (1975), pp. 159-163.
- “The Role of R. Moshe d'Aguilar in His Contacts with the Refugees from Spain and Portugal in the Seventeenth Century", in Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Vol. II, World Union of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1976, pp. 95-106 (Hebrew).
- "El Poema de Baltazar Alvarez de Orobio sobre la peste de Málaga en 1636", Helmantica 29, No. 89 (1978), pp. 212-232.
A condensed versión: "El testimonio de un converso sobre la peste de Málaga en 1637", Actas del I Congreso de Historia de Andalucía. Andalucía Moderna (siglos XVI-XVII), Vol. II, Córdoba, 1978, pp. 109-116.
- "Jewish Students at Leiden University in the Seventeenth Century", in Studies on the History of Dutch Jewry, Vol. 2, edited by Jozeph Michman, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1979, pp. 65-75 (Hebrew).
- “On the Death Dates of Members of the Nunes Henriques Family and Three Rabbis of Amsterdam”, Kiryat Sefer LIV (1979), pp. 611-613 (Hebrew).
- “Jews and Judaism in the Political and Social Thought of Spain in the 16th-17th Centuries”, in Antisemitism through the Ages, edited by Shmuel Almog, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1980, pp. 173-180 (Hebrew).
English translation in: Antisemitism through the Ages, edited by Shmuel Almog, Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, 1988, pp. 153-160.
- “Isaac Orobio de Castro - The Path of a Converso from Christianity to Judaism”, Pe’amim 5 (1980), pp. 29-38 (Hebrew).
- “A propos de la signification historique du phénomène heterodoxe dans les communautés séfarades occidentales au XVIIe siècle”, Bulletin de l’Association des amis de Spinoza No. 4 (1980), pp. 1-14.
- “The Portuguese Jews in Amsterdam. From Forced Conversion to Return to Judaism”, Studia Rosenthaliana XV, No. 1 (March 1981), pp. 37-51.
Revised version:
“From Apostasy to Return to Judaism: The Portuguese Jews in Amsterdam”, in BINAH, Vol. 1, edited by Joseph Dan, Praeger, New York and London, 1989, pp. 99-117.
Expanded Hebrew version:
“The Portuguese Jews in Amsterdam. From Forced Conversion to Return to Judaism”, in The Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Heritage, edited by Issachar Ben-Ami, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1982, pp. 115-134.
Italian translation:
“Gli ebrei portoghesi ad Amsterdam. Dalla conversione forzata al ritorno all’ebraismo”, in E andamno dove il vento ci spinse. La cacciata degli ebrei dalla Spagna, edited by Guido N. Zazzu, Marietti, Genova 1992, pp. 141-160.
- “Jewish Proselytes from Portugal in 17th Century Amsterdam - The Case of Lorenzo Escudero”, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Jewish Studies, History of the Jews in Europe, World Union of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1981, pp. 87-101 (Hebrew).
- “The Curaçao and Amsterdam Portuguese Jewish Communities in the 17th and 18th Centuries”, American Jewish History LXXII, No. 2 (1982), pp. 193-211.
- “Le 250e anniversaire de l’inauguration de la Synagogue Miqveh Israel de Curaçao”, REJ CXLII (1983), pp. 473-474.
- “On the Relation of Spinoza’s Contemporaries in the Portuguese Jewish Community of Amsterdam to Spanish Culture and the Marrano Experience”, in Spinoza’s Political and Theological Thought, edited by C. De Deugd, North- Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York, 1984, pp. 82-94.
- “The Social Functions of the ‘Herem’ in the Portuguese Jewish Community of Amsterdam in the Seventeenth Century”, in Dutch Jewish History, Vol. 1, edited by Jozeph Michman, The Institute for Research on Dutch Jewry, Jerusalem, 1984, pp. 111-155.
- “The Travels of Portuguese Jews from Amsterdam to the ‘Lands of Idolatry’ (1644-1724)”, in Jews and Conversos. Studies in Society and the Inquisition , edited by Yosef Kaplan, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1985, pp. 197-224.
- "The Portuguese Community of Amsterdam in the Seventeenth Century: Between Tradition and Change", in Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 7, No. 6 (1986) 21 pp., [Volume 7 (1988), pp. 161-181.] (Hebrew).
Dutch translation:
“De Portugese Gemeente van Amsterdam in de zeventiende eeuw: Tussen traditie en verandering”, in Êxodo. Portugezen in Amsterdam: 1600-1680, edited by Rene Kistemaker and Tirtsah Levie, De Bataafsche Leeuw, Amsterdam, 1987, pp. 42-55.
Portuguese translation:
“A Comunidade Portuguesa de Amesterdão no Século XVII, entre Tradição e Mudança”, in Êxodo. Portugueses em Amsterdão 1600-1680, edited by Rene Kistemaker and Tirtsah Levie, De Bataafsche Leeuw, Amsterdam, 1988, pp. 42-55.
English translation:
Society and Community, edited by Abraham Haim, Misgav Yerushalayim, The Institute for Research of the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Heritage, Jerusalem, 1991, pp. 141-171.
- “The Attitude of the Portuguese Jewish Community in the 17th Century towards the Ashkenazi Jews in Amsterdam”, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Jewish Studies, World Union of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1986, Division B. Volume 1, The History of the Jewish People, pp. 159-164 (Hebrew).
- “The ‘Karaites’ of Amsterdam in the Early 18th Century”, Zion LII, 1987, pp. 279-314 (Hebrew).
Revised English version:
“‘Karaites’ in Early 18th Century Amsterdam”, in Sceptics, Millenarians and Jews, edited by David Katz and Jonathan Israel, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1990, pp. 196-236.
- “The Converso and ‘New Christian’ Issue in Contemporary Historical Research”, in Studies in Historiography, edited by Joseph Salmon et al., The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1987, pp. 117-144 (Hebrew).
- “The Attitude of Portuguese and Spanish Jews to Ashkenazi Jews in 17th Century Amsterdam”, in Transition and Change in Modern Jewish History: Essays Presented in Honour of Shmuel Ettinger, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1988, pp. 389-412 (Expanded version of 20) (Hebrew).
- “Eighteenth Century Rulings by the Rabbinical Court of Amsterdam’s Community and their Socio-historical Significance”, in Studies in the History of Dutch Jewry, Vol. 5, edited by Jozeph Michman, The Institute for Research on Dutch Jewry, Jerusalem, 1988, pp. 1-54 (Hebrew).
- “Haim Beinart and the Historiography of the Conversos”, in Exile and Diaspora. Studies in the History of the Jewish People Presented to Professor Haim Beinart on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, edited by Aharon Mirsky et al., The Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, 1988, pp. 11-16 (Hebrew).
English version in volume of the same name, Jerusalem-Madrid, 1991, pp. 11-16.
- “Bans in the Sephardi Community of Amsterdam in the Late 17th Century”, in Exile and Diaspora. Studies in the History of the Jewish People Presented to Professor Haim Beinart on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, edited by Aharon Mirsky et al., The Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, 1988, pp. 517-540 (Hebrew).
- “Political Concepts in the World of the Portuguese Jews of Amsterdam during the Seventeenth Century: The Problem of Exclusion and the Boundaries of Self-Identity”, in Menasseh ben Israel and His World, edited by Yosef Kaplan, Henry Méchoulan and Richard H. Popkin, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1989, pp. 45-62.
- “The Paths of Acculturation and Assimilation Among the Conversos of Spain in the 15th-17th Centuries”, in Acculturation and Assimilation: Continuity and Change in the Cultures of Israel and the Nations edited by Yosef Kaplan and Menahem Stern, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1989, pp. 157-172 (Hebrew).
- “The Portuguese Community in 17th Century Amsterdam and the Ashkenazi World”, in Dutch Jewish History, Vol. 2, edited by Jozeph Michman, The Institute for Research on Dutch Jewry, Jerusalem, 1989, pp. 23-45.
- “Jewish Refugees from Germany and Poland-Lithuania in Amsterdam during the Thirty Years War”, in Culture and Society in Medieval Jewry: Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Haim Hillel Ben-Sasson, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1989, pp. 587-622 (Hebrew).
Condensed English version:
“Amsterdam and Ashkenazic Migration in the Seventeenth Century”, Studia Rosenthaliana, Special issue published together with Volume XXIII, 2 (1989), Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands, pp. 22-44.
- “The Herem in the Sephardic Community of Amsterdam in the 18th Century” Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division B, Volume 1, Jerusalem, 1990, pp. 195-201 (Hebrew).
- “The Path of Western Sephardi Jewry to Modernity”, Pe’amim 48, 1991, pp. 85-103 (Hebrew).
German translation:
“Die portugiesischen Juden und die Modernisierung. Zur Veränderung jüdischen Lebens vor de Emanzipation”, in Jüdische Lebenswelten. Essays, edited by A. Nachama et al., Berliner Festspielle, Jüdischer Verlag, Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin, 1991, pp. 303-317.
Dutch translation:
“Een alternatieve weg naar de moderne tijd: De Westerse Sephardim in het prille Moderne Europa”, Ter Herkenning 20 (1992), pp. 186-206.
Spanish translation:
“La vía del judaísmo español occidental a la modernidad”, Carta de Jerusalén, No. 64, (Julio-Diciembre 1993), pp. 67-78.
English enlarged and revised version:
“An Alternative Path to Modernity: The Sephardi Jews of Amsterdam in Early Modern Times”, in Everything Connects: In Conference with Richard Popkin. Essays in His Honor, edited by James E. Force and David S. Katz, Brill, Leiden, 1999, pp. 213-240.
- “The Sephardic Diaspora in North-Western Europe and the New World”, in Moreshet Sepharad. The Sephardi Legacy, edited by Haim Beinart, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1992, pp. 562-599 (Hebrew).
English translation, in:
The Sephardi Legacy edited by Haim Beinart, Vol. II, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1992, pp. 240-287.
Spanish translation:
“Los sefardíes en el noroeste de Europa y en el Nuevo Mundo”, in Morešet Sefarad: El legado de Sefarad, edited by Haim Beinart, Vol. II, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1993, pp. 249-297.
- “The Intellectual Ferment in the Spanish-Portuguese Community of Seventeenth Century Amsterdam”, in Moreshet Sepharad. The Sephardi Legacy, edited by Haim Beinart, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1992, pp. 600-621 (Hebrew).
English translation, in:
The Sephardi Legacy, edited by Haim Beinart, Vol. II, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1992, pp. 284-314.
Spanish translation:
“Efervescencia intelectual en la comunidad sefardí de Amsterdam en el siglo 17", in Morešet Sefarad: El legado de Sefarad, edited by Haim Beinart, Vol. II, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1993, pp. 298-325.
- (with Israel Bartal) “Immigration of Indigent Jews from Amsterdam to Eretz Israel (Palestine) at the Beginning of the 17th Century”, Shalem, Vol. 6 (1992), pp. 175-193 (Hebrew).
- “La Diáspora Judeo-Española-Portuguesa en el siglo XVII: Tradición, Cambio y Modernización", Manuscrits, Revista d’Historia Moderna (Barcelona) 10 (1992), pp. 77-89.
- “The Formation of the Western Sephardi Diaspora”, in The Sephardic Journey, Yeshiva University Museum, New York, 1992, pp. 136-155.
- “Los sefardíes en Europa”, in Diáspora Sefardí, edited by María A. Bel Bravo, Editorial Mapfre, Madrid, 1992, pp. 47-90.
- “La Jerusalem du Nord: La Communauté séfarade d’Amsterdam au XVIIe siècle”, in Les juifs d’Espagne: Histoire d’une diaspora 1492-1992, edited by Henry Méchoulan, Liana Levi, Paris, 1992, pp. 191-209.
Spanish translation:
“La Jerusalén del Norte: la Comunidad Sefardí de Amsterdam en el siglo XVII”, in Los judíos de España. Historia de una diáspora. 1492-1992, edited by Henry Méchoulan, Editorial Trotta, Madrid, 1993, pp. 201-216.
German translation:
“Das Jerusalem des Nordens: die sefardische Gemeinde von Amsterdam im 17. Jahrhundert”, in Vom Mittelalter in die Neuzeit – Jüdische Städtebilder: Frankfurt, Prag, Amsterdam, edited by Michael Graetz and H. Künzl, Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, 1999, pp. 19-30.
- “The Western Sephardi Diaspora in the Seventeenth Century”, in The Sephardic Jewish Diaspora After the Expulsion from Spain, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1992, pp. 95-116 (Hebrew).
- “The Return to Judaism: Spanish and Portuguese Jews in the West in the Early Modern Era”, in Odyssey of the Exiles: Spanish Jewry 1492-1992, edited by R. Porter and S. Harel-Hoshen, Ministry of Defence Publishing House-Bet Hatefutsoth, Tel Aviv, 1992, pp. 45-72 (Hebrew).
English translation, in:
Odyssey of the Exiles. The Sephardi Jews 1492-1992, Ministry of Defence Publishing House-Beth Hatefutsoth, Tel Aviv, 1993, pp. 45-58.
- “Devianza e Punizione nella Diaspora Sefardita Occidentale del XVII Secolo: I Portoghesi ad Amsterdam”, La Rassegna Mensile di Israel LVIII (1992), pp. 163-202, (translated from the English by S.J. Voicu; rev. by M. Silviera).
- “L’impact social et économique de la diaspora judeo-hispanique sur l’Europe occidentale au début de la période moderne”, in La societé juive à travers l’histoire, edited by S. Trigano, Vol. III, Fayard, Paris 1993, pp. 240-265.
- “Deviance and Excommunication in the Portuguese Community of 18th Century Amsterdam”, in Dutch Jewish History, Vol. 3, edited by J. Michman, The Institute for Research on Dutch Jewry, Jerusalem, 1993, pp. 103-115.
- “The Golden Age of Amsterdam Jewry”, in Rembrandt’s Holland, edited by Martin Weyl and Rivka Weiss-Blok, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1993, pp. 13-33 (Hebrew).
- “Familia, Matrimonio y Sociedad. Los casamientos clandestinos en la Diáspora Sefaradí Occidental (siglos XVII-XVIII)", in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie IV, 6 (1993), pp. 129-154.
French Translation:
“Famille, Mariage et Societé. Les mariages clandestins dans la Diaspora Sefarade Occidentale (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)”, XVIIIe siècle, No. 183, 46 année, No. 2 (1994), pp. 255-278.
- “The Jewish Profile of the Spanish-Portuguese Community of London during the Seventeenth Century”, in Exile and Return. Anglo-Jewry through the Ages, edited by Yosef Kaplan and David Katz, Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1994, pp. 133-145 (Hebrew).
English translation, in:
Judaism 41 (1992), pp. 229-240.
- “Wayward New Christians and Stubborn New Jews: The Shaping of a Jewish Identity”, Jewish History 8 (1994) [=The Robert Cohen Memorial Volume], pp. 27-41.
- “The Place of the Herem in the Sefardic Community of Hamburg during the Seventeenth Century”, in Die Sefarden in Hamburg. Zur Geschichte einer Minderheit, edited by Michael Studemund Halevy, Helmut Buske Verlag, Hamburg, 1994, pp. 63-88.
- (With D. Michman) “On Jozeph Michman’s Research”, in Michmanei Yosef. Studies on the History and Literature of the Dutch Jews by Jozeph Michman (Melkman), The Institute for Research on Dutch Jewry, Jerusalem, 1994, pp. 7-13 (Hebrew); republished in: Jozeph Michman (Melkman), Cycles of Life and Identity, Tel Aviv 2004, pp. 104-112 (in Hebrew).
- “The Sabbatean Movement in Amsterdam”, in Biblioteca Rosenthaliana: Treasures of Jewish Booklore Marking the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Leeser Rosenthal, 1794-1994, edited by Adri K. Offenberg et al., Amsterdam, 1994, pp. 40-43.
- “The Religious World of a Jewish International Merchant in the Age of Mercantilism: The Embarrassment of Riches of Abraham Israel Pereyra”, in Religion and Economy: Connections and Interactions, edited by Menachem Ben-Sasson, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1995, pp. 233-251 (Hebrew).
- “El judaísmo sefardí en la república holandesa del siglo XVII”, in Luces y Sombras de la judería europea (siglos XI-XVII). Actas. Primeros encuentros judaicos de Tudela, 5,6,7 de octubre 1994 (Pamplona 1995), pp. 181-195; revised edition, Pamplona, 1996, pp. 183-197.
- “De joden in de Republiek tot omstreeks 1750. Religieus cultureel en social leven”, in Geschiedenis van de joden in Nederland, edited by J.C.H. Blom et al., Balans, Amsterdam, 1995, pp. 129-173, 413-419, 452-460.
English translation:
“The Jews in the Republic until about 1750: Religious, Cultural and Social Life”, in The History of the Jews in the Netherlands, edited by J.C.H. Blom et al., The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oxford-Portland, Oregon 2002, pp. 116-163, 408-416.
- (With Natalie Zemon Davis) “Peoples in Diaspora: Changing Sources, Forms, and Meanings”. Report of the Session at the 18th International Congress of Historical Sciences, 27 August – 3 September 1995, Montreal, 1995, pp. 109-123.
- “De unika I de sefardiska judarnas historia”, in Dopet eller döden. Judisket liv I det medeltida Spanien, edited by Hanne Kromann Trautner and Salomon Schulman, Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion, Stockholm, 1996, pp. 23-33.
- “Marranerna I 1400-talets Spanien”, in Dopet eller döden. Judisket liv I det medeltida Spanien, edited by Hanne KromannTrautner and Salomon Schulman, Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion, Stockholm, 1996, pp. 95-109.
- “Court Jews before the Hofjuden”, in From Court Jews to the Rothschilds: Art, Patronage, and Power, 1600-1800, edited by Vivian B. Mann and Richard I. Cohen, Prestel, Munich and New York, 1996, pp. 11-25.
- “El Herem en Hamburgo en la segunda mitad del siglo 17”, in Ibéria-Judaica: Roteiros da Memória, edited by Anita Waingort Novinsky and Diane Kuperman, Expressão e Cultura, São Paulo, 1996, pp. 317-342.
- “The Self-Definition of the Sephardic Jews of Western Europe and their Relation to the Alien and the Stranger”, in Crisis and Creativity in the Sephardic World, 1391-1648, edited by Benjamin R. Gampel, Columbia University Press, New York, 1997, pp. 121-145.
- “For Whom did Emmanuel de Witte Paint his Three Pictures of the Sephardic Synagogue in Amsterdam”, Pe’amim 69 (1997), pp. 56-84 (Hebrew).
Expanded English version: Studia Rosenthaliana 32 (1998), pp. 133-154.
- “Thomas Coenen in Smyrna – Reflections of a Dutch Calvinist on the Sabbatean Awakening of the Levantine Jews,” Introduction to the Hebrew edition of Thomas Coenen, Vain Hopes of the Jews as Revealed in the Figure of Sabbetai Zevi, The Ben-Zion Dinur Institute for Research in Jewish History, Jerusalem, 1998, pp. 7-22; Notes to the text, pp. 22-108 (Hebrew).
- “The Struggle against Travelers to Spain and Portugal in the Western Sephardi Diaspora”, Zion LXIV (1999), pp. 65-100 (Hebrew).
- “Forward”, in C. Ginzburg, History, Rhetoric, and Proof, The Menahem Stern Jerusalem Lectures, University Press of New England, Hanover and London, 1999, pp. ix-xii.
Hebrew translation in the Hebrew edition, The Historical Society of Israel, Jerusalem 2003, pp. 9-12.
- “The Return to Jewish History and Re-entry into European Consciousness: The Western Sephardi Diaspora in the Early Modern Period”, in Zionism and the Return to History: A Reappraisal, edited by Shmuel N. Eisenstadt and Moshe Lissak, Yad Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem, 1999, pp. 195-210 (Hebrew).
- (with Y. Assis), "Preface", in Jews and Conversos at the Time of the Expulsion, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 1999, pp. xi-xv.
- “Forward”, in Anthony D. Smith, The Nation in History: Historiographical Debates about Ethnicity and Nationalism, The Menahem Stern Jerusalem Lectures, University Press of New England, Hanover and London, 2000, pp. vii-xi.
Hebrew translation in the Hebrew edition, The Historical Society of Israel, Jerusalem 2003, pp. 7-11.
- “Jewish Amsterdam’s Impact on Modern Jewish History”, in Schöpferische Momente des europäischen Judentums, edited by Michael Graetz, Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, 2000, pp. 19-62.
- “El vínculo prohibido: Las relaciones de la ‘nación sefardí’ occidental con Iberia en el siglo XVII”, in Encuentros y Desencuentros. Spanish Jewish Cultural Interaction throughout History, edited by Carlos Carrete Parrondo, Marcelo Dascal, Francisco Márquez Villanueva & Angel Sáenz Badillos, Tel Aviv 2000, pp. 39–50.
- "Le contrôle social dans la communanté juive portugais: Amsterdam et la diaspora au XVIIe siècle", in Annuaire, Résumé des conférences et travaux, T. 107, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des Sciences Religieuses, Paris 2000, pp. 225-230.
- “Gente Política: The Portuguese Jews of Amsterdam vis-à-vis Dutch Society”, in Dutch Jews as Perceived by Themselves and by Others, edited by Chaya Brasz and Yosef Kaplan, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 2001, pp. 21-40.
Hungarian translation:
"Gente Política: Az amszterdami portugál zsidόság ás a Holland társadalom", Múlt és Jövő 2 (2003), pp. 9-20.
- "The Threat of Eros in the Eighteenth Century Sephardi Community of Amsterdam", in Mémorial I.S. Révah: Etudes sur le marranisme, l'hétérodoxie juive et Spinoza, edited by Henry Méchoulan and Gerard Nahon, E. Peeters, Paris – Louvain, 2001, pp. 247-262.
A slightly different version:
"Moral Panic in the Eighteenth Century Sephardi Community of Amsterdam: The Threat of Eros", in Dutch Jewry. Its History and Secular Culture (1500-2000), edited by Jonathan Israel and Reinier Salverda, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 2002, pp. 103-123.
Russian translation:
"Искушение эросом в сефарсдком Амстердаме XVIII в." в Лехаим, 3 (263), Москва, Март 2014, стр. 31-36.
- "'Bom Judesmo': The Western Sephardic Diaspora", in Cultures of the Jews, A New History, edited by David Biale, Schocken Books, New York, 2002, pp. 639 – 669; paperback edition, 2006, Vol. 2, pp. 227-267.
French translation:
"'Bom Judesmo'. La Diaspora séfarade occidentale", in Les Cultures des Juifs Une nouvelle histoire, sous la direction de David Biale, Editions de l'Eclat, Paris-Tel-Aviv, 2005, pp. 569-593.
- "Ellis Veryard sobre judíos y judaísmo: impresiones de un turista inglés del siglo XVII", in Judaísmo Hispano. Estudios en memoria de José Luis Lacave Riaño, edited by Elena Romero, Vol. II, Madrid, 2002, pp. 809-17.
- "El perfil cultural de tres rabinos sefardíes a través del análisis de sus bibliotecas", in Familia, Religión y Negocio. El sefardismo en las relaciones entre el mundo ibérico y los Países Bajos en la Edad Moderna, edited by Jaime Contreras, Bernardo J. García García and Ignacio Pulido, Casa de Amberes, Madrid, 2003, pp. 269-286.
- "Ben-Zion Dinur (1884-1973)", Zion LXVIII (2003), pp. 411-424 (Hebrew); reprinted in: Ben Zion Dinur, Posthumous and Other Writings, edited by Arielle Rein, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2009, pp. 26-39.
- “El mesianismo en la sociedad judía de la temprana Edad Moderna", in Política y Cultura en la Epoca Moderna (Cambios dinásticos, Milenarismos, Mesianismos y Utopías), edited by Alfredo Alvar, Jaime Contreras y Josė I. Ruìz, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, 2004, pp. 521-532.
- "'Mokum' and 'Mediene': Jewish Autonomy in the Dutch Republic", in Kehal Yisrael. Jewish Self-Rule Through the Ages, Vol. 2, The Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, edited by Avraham Grossman and Yosef Kaplan, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2004, pp. 311-327 (Hebrew).
- "Foi et scepticisme dans la diaspora des nouveaux-chrétiens des debuts de l'Europe moderne", in La Diaspora des "Nouveaux-Chrétiens". Arquivos do Centro Cultural Calouste Gulbenkian, Vol. XLVIII, Lisboa – Paris, 2004, pp. 21-40.
- "Introduction", in Fins de Siècle – Ends of Ages, edited by Yosef Kaplan, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2005, pp. 7-10 (Hebrew).
- "On Carlo Ginzburg and His Work", Afterword in: Carlo Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms, Hebrew transl. by Ora Eyal, Carmel, Jerusalem, 2005, pp. 287-307 (Hebrew).
- "Order and Discipline in the Portuguese Synagogue of Amsterdam", in Jewish Studies and the European Academic World. Plenary Lectures read at the VII Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS), Amsterdam, July 2002, edited by A. van der Heide and I. E. Zwiep, Peeters, Paris – Louvain – Dudley, MA, 2005, pp. 1-14.
Italian Translation:
"Ordine e disciplina all'interno della sinagoga portoghese di Amsterdam", in Esilio e persecuzione: sguardi su ebrei e ugonnotti/Exil et persecution: perspectives croisées sur juifs et Huguenots, edited by M. Silvera, Aracne, Roma 2017, pp.
- (with M. Sluhovsky),"Preface", in Libraries and Book Collections, edited by Y. Kaplan and M. Sluhovsky, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2006, pp. 9-13 (Hebrew).
- "The Libraries of Three Sephardi Rabbis in Early Modern Western Europe", in Libraries and Book Collections, edited by Yosef Kaplan and Moshe Sluhovsky, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2006, pp. 225- 260 (Hebrew).
- "Una diáspora en exilio: actitudes hacia España entre los sefardíes de la edad moderna", in VI Jornadas de Historia en Llerena. Marginados y minorías sociales en la España Moderna, Llerena, 2006, pp. 3-19.
- “Jews and Judaism in the Hartlib Circle", in Omnia in Eo. Studies on Jewish Books and Libraries Marking the 125th Anniversary of the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana (2005). Presented to Adri Offenberg on the Occasion of His Retirement =Studia Rosenthaliana 38/39 (2005-2006), pp.186-215.
- "La diaspora sefardita occidentale: la minoranza di una minoranza", in Le radici storiche dell'Europa. L'etá moderna, edited by Maria A. Visceglia, Viella, Rome, 2007, pp. 207- 229.
- "Les juifs portugais de la Jérusalem du Nord", Rembrandt et la Nouvelle Jérusalem. Juifs et Chrétiens a Amsterdam au Siėcle d'or, Ėditions du Panama – Musée d'art et d'histoire du Judaïsme, Paris, 2007, pp.25-35.
- "Secularizing the Portuguese Jews: Integration and Orthodoxy in Early Modern Judaism", in Simon Dubnov Institute Yearbook VI (2007), pp. 99-110.
- "Jacob Katz's Approach to the Jewish Early Modern Period", in Historiography Reappraised. New Views of Jacob Katz's Oeuvre, edited by Israel Bartal and Shmuel Feiner, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 2007, pp. 19-35 (Hebrew).
- "Amsterdam, the Forbidden Lands and the Dynamics of the Sephardi Diaspora", in The Dutch Intersection. The Jews and the Netherlands in Modern History, edited by Yosef Kaplan, E. J. Brill, Leiden – Boston, 2008, pp. 33- 62.
- "The 'New Jerusalem' of the Dutch Sephardim. The Portuguese Synagogue of Early Modern Amsterdam", in Topograhien des Sakralen. Religion und Raumordnung in der Vormoderne, edited by Susanne Rau & Gerd Schwerhoff, Dölling und Galitz Verlag, München-Hamburg, 2008, pp. 182-199.
- "Richard Popkin's Marrano Problem", in The Legacies of Richard Popkin, edited by Jeremy Popkin, International Archives of the History of Ideas, Vol. 198, Springer, Dordrecht, 2008, pp. 197-212.
- "Attitudes towards Circumcision among the Early Modern Western Sephardim", in From Sages to Savants. Studies Presented to Avraham Grossman, edited by Joseph Hacker, Yosef Kaplan and Benjamin Z. Kedar, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2009, pp. 355-392 (Hebrew).
English version:
"This Thing Alone Will Preserve Their Nation Forever". Circumcision and Conversion in the Early Modern Western Sephardic Communities", in The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond, Vol. 3, Displaced Persons, edited by Kevin Ingram and Juan Ignacio Pulido Serrano, Brill, Leiden and Boston 2015, pp. 218-243.
- "'Jerusalem on the Banks of the River Suriname'. The Golden Age of Jewish Settlement in Suriname" in Tzedek Ve-Shalom. A Synagogue from Suriname in The Israel Museum, edited by T. Coen-Uzzielli, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem 2010, pp. 97-109.
Hebrew version:
"Jerusalem on the Banks of the River Surinam" in From Suriname to Jerusalem. The 'Tzedek Ve-Shalom Synagogue in the Israel Museum, edited by T. Coen-Uzzielli, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem 2011, pp. 89-99 (Hebrew).
- "In Memoriam: Yosef Haim Yerushalmi ", Zion LXXIII (2010), pp. 183-191 (Hebrew).
French translation:
"Yosef Haim Yerushalmi, historien des ruptures", Critique LXVI-No. 763 (Décembre 2010), pp. 995-1008 (translated by Nicolas Weill).
Italian translation:
"In ricordo di Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi", Rassegna Mensile di Israel, Vol. 81, N. 2-3 (2016), pp. 17-30 (translated from the Hebrew by Paola Abbina).
- Religion, Politics and Freedom of Conscience. Excommunication in Early Modern Jewish Amsterdam, Menasseh ben Israel Instituut, Amsterdam 2010, Studies V, 36 pp.
- "'Our Orientation': Then and Now", Zion LXXV (2010), pp. 472-484 (Hebrew).
- "Between Christianity and Judaism in Early Modern Europe: The Confessionalization of the Western Sephardi Diaspora", in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the Course of History. Exchange and Conflicts, edited by L. Gall and D. Willoweit, Munich 2011, pp. 307-341.
- "Spinoza in the Library of an Early Modern Dutch Sephardi Rabbi", in La centralità del dubbio. Un progetto di Antonio Rotondò, edited by C. Hermanin & L. Simonutti, Leo S. Olschki Editore, Firenze 2011, Vol. 2, pp. 641-664.
- "Clandestine Marriage in Amsterdam, Broken Hearts in Hamburg and a Kidnapping in London ", in Tov Elem: Memory, Community and Gender in Medieval and Early Modern Jewish Societies. Essays in honor of Robert Bonfil, edited by Elisheva Baumgarten, A. Raz-Krakotzkin and R. Weinstein,The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Mossad Bialik, Jerusalem 2011, pp. 171-190 (Hebrew).
- "The Unusual Testimony of Charles Lemaître about a Street Brawl in Amsterdam in 1681", Studia Rosenthaliana 42/43 (2010/11), pp. 65-75.
- "La comunidad judía portuguesa de Amsterdam, metrópolis de la diáspora occidental sefardí", Sefárdica No. 20 (2011)[ Sefarad. Huellas de un Exilio, edited by M. Cherro de Azar], pp. 453-464.
- "The Jewish Presence in Early Modern Amsterdam", in Frühneuzeitliche Ghettos in Europa im Vergleich, edited by F. Backhaus, G. Engel, G. Grebner and R. Liberles, Trafo Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. 2012, pp. 371-397.
- "Historien des marranes, interprète de la modernité juive", in L'histoire et la mémoire de l'histoire. Hommage à Yosef Haim Yerushalmi, edited by S. A. Goldberg, Albion, Paris 2012, pp. 15-27.
- "Cristóbal Méndez alias Abraham Franco de Silveyra: the Adventures of a Seventeenth- Century Converso", in Studies in Jewish History Presented to Yosef Hacker, edited by Y. Ben Naeh, J. Cohen, M. Idel & Y. Kaplan, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2014, pp. 406-440 (Hebrew).
English version:
"Cristóbal Méndez, alias Abraham Franco de Silveyra: The Puzzling Saga of a Seventeenth-Century Converso", in Conversos, Marrani e Nuove ComunitàEbraiche in Età Moderna. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi organizzato dal Museo Nazionale dell'Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah (28-29 aprile 2014), edited by Myriam Silvera, Giuntina, Firenze 2015, pp. 19-47.
- "Between Yitzhak Baer and Claudio Sánchez Albornoz – the Rift that was Never Healed", in Jewish Culture in Early Modern Europe. Essays in Honor of Professor David B. Ruderman, edited by R. I. Cohen, N. B. Dohrmann, A. Shear, & E. Reiner, Hebrew Union College & University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh & Cincinnati 2014, pp. 356-368 (translated by J. Green).
- "Between Calvinists and Jews in Seventeenth Century Amsterdam", in Conflict and Religious Conversation in Latin Christendom. Studies in Honour of Ora Limor, edited by I.J. Yuval and R. Ben-Shalom, Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2014, pp. 277-303.
- "Zwischen 'Neuchristen' und 'neuen Juden'. Die verschlungenen Wege von Kryptojuden und westlichen Sefarden in der Frühen Neuzeit", 16. Arye Maimon-Vortrag an der Universität Trier, 6. November 2013, Arye Maimon-Institut für Geschichte der Juden: Studien und Texte, Band 9, Kliomedia, Trier 2014, pp. 9-74 (translated by Christoph Cluse) [pp. 34-74 is an enlarged German version of 140].
- "Jewish History in Israel as Seen by an American Jewish Historian", in Milestones. Essays in Jewish History Dedicated to Zvi Yekutiel, edited by Immanuel Etkes, David Assaf and Yosef Kaplan, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2015, pp. 499-516 (Hebrew).
- "Amsterdam's Jewry as Perceived by English Tourists and Other Christian Visitors in the Seventeenth Century", in Frankfurt's 'Jewish Notabilia'. Ethnographic Views of Urban Jewry in Central Europe around 1700, edited by Christoph Cluse and Rebekka Voss, Themeband Frankfurter Jüdaistische Beiträge, Frankfurt Jewish Studies Bulletin 40 (2015), pp. 259-283.
- "Confessionalization, Discipline and Religious Authority in the Early Modern Western Sephardic Diaspora," in Religious Movements and Transformations in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, edited by Yohanan Friedman, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem 2016, pp. 83-108.
- "The Burial of Spinoza's Grandfather and Grandmother", Zutot 13 (2016), pp. 26-39.
Hebrew version in:
A Collection of Essays in Jewish Studies in Memory of Professor Meir Benayahu, edited by Moshe Assis, Moshe Bar Asher, Yehuda Liebes and Yosef Kaplan, Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv University Press (forthcoming in 2017).
- "Concealed and Fluid Identities: Conversos and New Christians in the Early Modern Period," in Conceal the Outcasts: Jews with Hidden Identities, edited by Avi Elqayam and Yosef Kaplan, Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 2016, pp. 47-68 (Hebrew).
- "Spanish Readings of Amsterdam's Seventeenth Century Sephardim," in Jewish Books and their Readers. Aspects of the Intellectual Life of Christians and Jews in Early Modern Europe, edited by Scott Mandelbrote & Joanna Weinberg, Brill, Leiden and Boston 2016, pp. 312-341.
- (with D. Michman), "Preface", in The Religious Cultures of Dutch Jewry, edited by Yosef Kaplan and Dan Michman, Brill, Leiden and Boston 2017, pp. xi-xxv.
- “De joden in de Republiek tot omstreeks 1750. Religieus cultureel en social leven”, in Geschiedenis van de joden in Nederland, edited by J.C.H. Blom, David Wertheim, Hetty Berg and Bart Wallet, Balans, Amsterdam 2017, pp. 131-196, 518-530. [A new version of 93, revised and enlarged. Dutch translation by Leontine M. Veerman].
- "Eros y sus sinsabores en la diaspora sefardí occidental", in Judeos e Cristãos novos no mundo lusófono, edited by Marina Pignatelli , Edições Colibri, Lisbon 2017, pp. 43-66.
- "Preface", in Early Modern Ethnic and Religious Communities in Exile", edited by Yosef Kaplan, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne 2017, pp. vii-xiii.
- "Between Religion and Ethnicity: Shaping the Western Sephardi Identity", in Early Modern Ethnic and Religious Communities in Exile, edited by Yosef Kaplan, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne 2017, pp. 189-205.
- "Discipline, Dissent, and Communal Authority in the Western Sephardic Diaspora", in The Cambridge History of Judaism. Volume Seven: The Early Modern World, 1500-1815, edited by Jonathan Karp and Adam Sutcliffe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (forthcoming 2018), chapter 14, pp. 378-406.
- "The Taming of Eros in the Western Sephardic Diaspora", in Eros, Family and Community, edited by Ruth Fine, Yosef Kaplan, Shimrit Peled and Yoav Rinon, Georg Olms Verlag AG, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 2017, pp. 125-152 (forthcoming).
- "'From Christianity to Judaism' Revisited: Some Critical Remarks after more than Thirty Years of its First Publication", Proceedings of a Conference in Hamburg, Maimonides Center for Jewish Studies, edited by Carsten Wilke, Hamburg (forthcoming).
- "The Abduction of a Girl in Order to Marry Her and Other Clandestine Marriages in the Sephardic Community of London in the Early Eighteenth Century", in Portuguese Jews, New Christians and New Jews. A Tribute to Roberto Bachman, edited by Bruno Feitler and Claude Stuczinsky, Brill, Leiden and Boston (forthcoming).
- "Proselytes and Conversion to Judaism in the Early Modern Sephardi Community of Amsterdam", in Homenaje a Carlos Carrete Parrondo, edited by Efrem Yildiz and Ricardo Muñoz Solla, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca (forthcoming).
- "Spinoza's Iberian Background", Blackwell Companion to Spinoza, edited by Yitzhak Melamed, Blackwell, Oxford (forthcoming 2019).
- "Preface", in Religious Changes and Cultural Transformations in the Early Modern Western Sephardic Communities, E.J. Brill, Leiden, Boston (forthcoming 2018).
F. Book Reviews in Academic Journals
- Review of Boleslao Lewin, La Inquisición en Hispanoamérica, Buenos Aires, 1962, in Kiryat Sefer 41 (1966), pp. 203-206 (Hebrew).
- Review of Yosef H. Yerushalmi, From Spanish Court to Italian Ghetto: Isaac Cardoso: A Study in Seventeenth Century Marranism and Jewish Apologetics, Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1971, in Kiryat Sefer 44 (1973), pp. 669-674 (Hebrew).
- The History of the Jews in Holland: An Overview. Review of Pinkas Hakehillot (Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities): The Netherlands, edited by Jozeph Michman, H. Beem and Dan Michman, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1985, Pe’amim 34 (1988), pp. 143-150 (Hebrew).
- Review of Spinoza’s Earliest Publication? The Hebrew translation of Margaret Fell’s “A Loving Salutation”, etc., edited with an introduction and preparatory material by Richard H. Popkin and Michael A. Singer, Van Gorcum, Assen-Maastricht 1987, in Studia Rosenthaliana XII, No. 1 (1988), pp. 73-75.
- “A Lurianic Philosopher of the Baroque Period,” Review of Nissim Yosha, Myth and Metaphor – Abraham Cohen Herrera’s Philosophic Interpretation of Lurianic Kabbalah, The Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1994, Pe’amim 70 (1997), pp. 129-133 (Hebrew).
- Review of M. García-Arenal and G. Wiegers, A Man of Three Worlds. Samuel Pallache, a Moroccan Jew in Catholic and Protestant Europe, Translated by Martin Beagles, with a foreword by David Nirenberg and Richard Kagan, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London 2003, xxiv + 173 pp., Church History & Religious Culture 86: 1-4 (2006), pp. 356-359.
- Review of F. Trivellato, The Familiarity of Strangers. The Sephardic Diaspora, Livorno, and Cross-Cultural Trade in the Early Modern Period, Yale University Press, New Haven & London 2009, Law and History Review 28, 4 (2010), pp. 1107-1108.
G. Additional Book Reviews
- "Blessed by Right of Liberty,” Review of Jozeph Michman, Gothic Turrets on a Corinthian Building: Dutch Jewry during the Emancipation Period 1787-1815, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, in Ha’aretz Sefarim No.196 (27.11.1996) p. 8 (Hebrew).
- “On Conversos, Spinoza and other Scholars,” Review of Israel S. Révah, Des Marranes à Spinoza, Vrin, Paris, 1995, in Ha’aretz Sefarim No. 201 (1.1.1997), pp.4, 12 (Hebrew).
H. Encyclopedia Entries
- The Hebrew Encyclopedia: 1) Morteira, Rabbi Saul Levi; 2) Nahmanides; 3) Shlomo Halevi; 4) Seneor, Abraham. (Hebrew).
- Encyclopedia Judaica: 1) Arbués, Pedro de; 2) Aragão, Fernão Ximenez da; 3) Arraby Moor; 4) Chemical Crafts and Industries; 5) Contractors; 6) Falaquera Family; 7) Informers; 8) Metals and Mining (Jews as Metal Workers and Miners); 9) Morteira, Saul Levi; 10) Nahmanides; 11) Pablo de Santa María; 12) Salt Trade and Industry; 13) Sarmiento, Pedro; 14) Seneor, Abraham.
[The entries “Contractors” and “Metals and Mining” appeared in S.W. Baron, A. Kahan et al., Economic History of the Jews, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem, 1975, pp. 129-132; 173-178].
- “Orobio de Castro, Isaac”, in Grundiss der Geschichte der Philosphie, Die Philosophie des 17 Jahrhunderts 2. Frankreich und Neiderland II, Schwabe & Co. AG. Verlag, Basel, 1993, pp. 889-891.
- L’Enclyclopedie Philosophique Universelle, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1989: 1) Cardoso, Isaac, pp. 1030-1031; 2) Orobio de Castro, Isaac, pp. 1376-1377.
- Encyclopaedia of the Renaissance, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1999: 1) Conversos, vol. 2, pp. 79-82; 2) Menasseh ben Israel, vol. 4, pp. 113-114.
- The Dictionary of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Dutch Philosophers, edited by Wiep van Bunge and others, Thoemmes Press, Bristol, 2003: Costa, Uriel da, vol. 1, pp. 222-3; Israel, Menasseh ben, vol. 1, pp. 482-6; Mortera, Saul Levi, vol. 2, pp. 709-712; Orobio de Castro, Isaac, vol. 2, pp. 756-61; Prado, Juan de, vol. 2, pp. 801-2.
- Dicionário do Judaísmo Português, edited by Lúcia L. Mucznik, Josė A. Rodrigues da Silva Tavim, Esther Mucznik & Elvira de Azevedo Mea, Editorial Presença, Barcarena 2009: Amesterdão (pp. 40-4) ; Antuérpia (pp. 56-7); Castro, Isaac (Baltazar) Orobio de (pp. 147-9); Conversão, Conversos (pp. 174-6); Diáspora (pp. 192-206); Esnoga ( pp. 217-8); Espinosa, Baruch (Bento; Benedictus de) (pp. 210-20); Fonseca, Isaac Aboab da (pp. 240-1);H'erem (pp.267-8) ; Kahal Kadosh de Talmud Torah (p. 301); Mahamad (p. 338); Marrano/Marranismo (Etimologia) (pp. 343-4); Santa Companhia de Dotar Órfãs e Donzelas Pobres (pp. 488-9).
- Enzykopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur, Im Auftrag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, edited by D. Diner, Band 2, Metzger Verlag, Stuttgart, 2012: Esnoga, pp. 254-262.
I. Miscelanea
- “Le 250e anniversaire de l’inauguration de la Synagogue Miqveh Israel de Curaçao”, REJ CXLII (1983), pp. 473-474.
- “Spinoza Scholarship in Israel”, in Spinoza’s Political and Theological Thought, edited by C. De Deugd, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York, 1984, pp. 19-22.
- “A Generation of Progress in the Historical Study of Dutch Sephardic Jewry”, in Menasseh ben Israel and His World, edited by Yosef Kaplan, Henry Méchoulan and Richard H. Popkin, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1989, pp. 1-6.
“The New Jews. Crypto-Jews in Western Europe”, Eretz Magazine, Special Issue 1992, pp. 44-47.
“Introduction”, in Dutch Jewish History, Vol. 3, edited by Jozeph Michman, The Institute for Research on Dutch Jewry, Jerusalem, 1993, pp. 1-4.
“Our Right to Take a Fresh Look at the Past”, in Fifty Years of Statehood. Remarks delivered at the opening session of the 22nd annual convention of the Historical Society of Israel and the Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, 1998, pp. 3-6 (Hebrew).
“Remarks in Memory of Jacob Katz”, in In Memory of Jacob Katz: Words of Memorial and the Writings of Jacob Katz, 1933-1998, appendix to Zion LXIII/4 (1998), pp. 19-21 (Hebrew)
- “Conferring with Dick Popkin”, in Everything Connects: In Conference with Richard H. Popkin. Essays in his Honor, edited by James E. Force and David S. Katz, Brill, Leiden, 1999, pp. 211-212.
- “Opening Address”, in Dutch Jews as Perceived by Themselves and by Others, edited by Chaya Brasz and Yosef Kaplan, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 2001, pp. 1-5.
- "From Bialistok to Jerusalem", in On Menachem Stern, Ten Years After His Death, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem 2002, pp. 16-20 (Hebrew).
"The Philosopher, the Rabbi and the Discipline in the Sephardi Synagogue in Amsterdam", in Iggeret, The Israel Academy for Sciences and Humanities, No. 27, July 2005, pp. 13-16 (Hebrew).
- "Yerushalmi in New York", in Haaretz, Culture and Literature Supplement, Friday 19 February 2010, p. 1 (Hebrew).
- המאמר באיגרת האקדמיה דצמבר 2012, עמ' 50-57
- Preface", in Nathan Wachtel, The Faith of Remembrance. Labyrinths Marranes, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2013, pp. ix-xiv.
- "Zwischen Konversion und Verstellung: Die Marranen von Spanien und Portugal in der Früher Neuzeit", in Treten Sie ein! Treten Sie aus! Warum Menschen ihre Religion wechseln, edited by R. Laudage-Kleeberg and H. Sulzenbacher, Parthas, Berlin 2012, pp. 136-143 (Translation: Lilian Dombrowski).
- "A Metamorphosed Crypto-Jewish Community", in Frédéric Brenner, Marranos, Special edition for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Lisbon 2013, pp. 38-42 ( Translation from the Hebrew by Dr. Jeff Green). French translation, pp. 31-35.
"A Historian is Mainly a Master-Craftsman", in Haaretz, Culture and Literature Supplement, Friday 16 March 2012, p. 2 (Hebrew).
"Yom Tov Assis – In Memoriam", in The Jews of Sepharad between Edom and Kedar. Studies in Memory of Yom Tov Assis, Vol. 1, edited by A. Quintana, R. Ibáñez-Sperber, & R. Ben Shalom, Hispania Judaica-The Mandel Institute for Jewish studies at the Hebrew University & The Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem 2014 [= Hispania Judaica Vol. 10 (2014)], pp. I-IV (Hebrew).
"The Strange Burial of Baruch Senior, Baruch Spinoza's Grandfather". In Haaretz, Culture and Literature Supplement, Friday 4 December 2015, p. 4 (Hebrew) .
- "Préface" in Y. H. Yerushalmi, Sefardica. Essais sur l'histoire des Juifs, des marranes & des nouveaux-chrétiens d'origine hispano-portugaise, nouvelle edition, Éditions Chandeigne, , Paris 2016, pp. 5-10.