Peled, Alon and Rashty D.
Logging for Success - Advancing the Use of WWW Logs to Improve Computer Mediated Distance Learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 1999;21 (3) :405-423.
AbstractLay summary:
The article examines the increasingly popular phenomena of web-based learning environments for university students, for both on-campus and distance-learning courses. The article argues that a crucial, and neglected, area is assessment of the effectiveness of these environments. The article proposes 3 models (institution, vendor, network) to assess effectiveness by analyzing students' electronic footprints. It concludes that such assessment is essential to improve the online learning experience.
Publication significance:
Online learning is an increasingly integral part of both on-campus and distance tertiary education. In order to ensure that web-based learning environments are best serving the needs of students, faculty, and university management, an effective online-learning assessment method is necessary. The article explicates this issue; it argues for the achievability of such assessment and proposes three models for its implementation.
Peled A.
Why Did Social Scientists Miss the Bug?. Computers and Society. 1999;29 (4) :20-23.
AbstractLay summary:
The article proposes that social scientists missed a valuable research opportunity to approach the Y2K bug as an area for social science study. The article demonstrates that studying public reactions to and national policy regarding Y2K holds rich potential for social science research. It explicates four areas where social science and Y2K converge and concludes that social scientists often mistakenly consider technological issues to be unrelated to social science interests.
Publication significance:
The article argues for broadening the parameters of social science research. It claims that the apparent separation between social science and technological fields leads to missed opportunities for social science research. Social scientists have much to learn from examining the human and cultural aspects that shape our response to technology at both the individual and national levels.