Peled A.
Politicking for Success: The Missing Skill. The Leadership and Organization Development Journal. 2000;21 (1) :20-29.
AbstractLay summary:
What drives successful IT projects in the public sector? The article examines the leadership skills necessary to implement such projects. Surprisingly, the article suggests that technical and administrative skills are not the most important. Instead, the ability to navigate organizational politics is critical. Leaders with political skill tailor IT projects to fit the reality of their organization; leaders with primarily technical skill tend to rely on less successful generic solutions.
Publication significance:
Public sector IT projects often suffer from poor implementation, failing to meet their budget and time-schedule. This article enriches our understanding of the leadership skills necessary to ensure successful project implementation. It finds that technical and administrative skills must be accompanied by political skill. This finding has significant practical implications for public organizations and also broadens the scope of scholarly research on organizational leadership.
Peled A.
First-Class Technology - Third-Rate Bureaucracy: The Case of Israel. Information Technology for Development. 2000;9 (1) :45-58.
AbstractLay summary:
Why does information technology (IT) in the public sector of countries with advanced IT achievements lag so far behind the private sector? Using Israel as a case study, the article demonstrates that political interests in the public sector compromise the efficient use of IT. The article finds that IT projects and advances are used by politicians and bureaucrats to consolidate power and advance agency-centric interests. This leads to government gridlock instead of improved services to citizens.
Publication significance:
The article addresses a pressing issue for democratic systems: do advanced IT tools improve the quality of democratic accountability and service delivery or is the political context an overriding factor? The article finds that if the political context is one of protecting and advancing personal and agency-centric interests then IT advances become utilized in political power-struggles. Whilst costing taxpayers dearly, IT advances do not improve accountability or service delivery to citizens.
Peled A.
Creating Winning High-Tech Teams in the Public Sector. Team Performance Management. 2000;6 (1-2) :6-14.
AbstractLay summary:
The article applies theory about high-performance teams, developed in the private sector, to public sector teams tasked with implementing IT projects. The article compares two different forms of project teams: work groups committees. It proposes that work groups are more effective at ensuring project implementation. Drawing on 2 case studies the article provides general lessons on staffing, structuring and supervising public sector IT workgroups.
Publication significance:
The smooth governance of a country depends on efficient public sector IT project implementation. Yet, the public sector consistently lags behind private sector technological efficiency. The article addresses this critical challenge to public sector legitimacy. The article compares two team project models, the workgroup and the committee, and presents important findings that provide insight into the design and implementation of effective public sector team projects.
Peled A.
The Wired Classroom: Bringing the Internet and Multimedia Revolution to the Traditional Campus. Campus-Wide Information Systems. 2000;17 (2) :16-22.
AbstractLay summary:
The article charts the benefits for universities of using multimedia tools to enhance traditional learning methods. It presents a case study of a successful three year pilot project at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to use multimedia tools to enhance classroom study. The article proposes 9 guidelines for university administrators to overcome political hurdles to, and generate support for, the implementation of similar projects.
Publication significance:
Multimedia tools have become integral to enriching and streamlining learning delivery at universities. The article presents an in-depth case study that provides insight into the challenges and benefits of introducing multimedia tools to the university classroom. It also addresses the bureaucratic and political challenges to implementing such multimedia learning environments. Raising awareness of and addressing these challenges is critical to successfully utilize multimedia tools.