User Info

The lab is open to all interested users.

Independent users

In order to became an independent user, the following steps are necessary:

  • Laboratory safety training test
  • Equipment operation training
  • Register form fill

Assisted users

The user is assisted by a technical staff  person. The requirements are:

Service order

Service rates [1] - from 25/02/2018

 IndustryAcademy HUJI (NIS/hour)
 Independent [2]AssistedIndependent [2]AssistedIndependent [2]Assisted
Clean Room (fixed/day)20030010020050100
Fabrication Design (fixed/day)--360--240--120
Nanoscribe use (NIS/hour) [3]360600240400120200
Mask Aligner (fixed/day)600600400400200200
[1] Nanoscribe tariffs are in NIS/hour, other equipments use have a fixed price per day/use. The prices don't include VAT and consumables (wafers, substrates, packages).

[2] Independent usage of equipment will be allowed only after training and approval exam by the staff.

[3] Minimum working time for Nanoscribe is 1 hour.

Any Laboratory use need to be coordinated with Mrs. Yehudit Garcia.