Putting the image back into the frame: Modeling the linkage between visual communication and frame-processing theory


Geise, S., & Baden, C. (2015). Putting the image back into the frame: Modeling the linkage between visual communication and frame-processing theory. Communication Theory , 25, 46–69 . Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.
Putting the image back into the frame: Modeling the linkage between visual communication and frame-processing theory


Given the rising use of visual and multimodal information, text-oriented framing research is at risk of losing traction with current media reality. We propose applying frame processing theory as a general framework for understanding how coherent meaning is constructed from complex stimuli, regardless of their modality: Both visual and textual information processing follow a recursive sequence of (a) selective perception/structuring, (b) decoding, (c) the construction of relations, and (d) their integration into coherent meaning. The specifics of visual and textual modalities provide varying degrees of structuring and salience within a fundamentally unified information processing process. Integrating advances from framing and visual communication research, we discuss implications for the empirical analysis of multimodal news contents, and sketch an agenda for research.

Publisher's Version

doi: 10.1111/comt.12048
Last updated on 11/08/2016