Modules for obtaining the tilt and bend moduli of lipid bilayers in simulations are freely available through GitHub Here.
OpenStructure that is required to run this code can be obtained Here.
If you use this code, do not forget to credit these manuscripts:
1. Johner, N. ; Harries, D. ; Khelashvili, G. Implementation Of A Methodology For Determining Elastic Properties Of Lipid Assemblies From Molecular Dynamics Simulations. BMC bioinformatics 2016, 17, 1.
2. Johner, N. ; Harries, D. ; Khelashvili, G. Curvature And Lipid Packing Modulate The Elastic Properties Of Lipid Assemblies: Comparing Hii and Lamellar Phases. The journal of physical chemistry letters 2014, 5, 4201-4206.