Apps are optional site components that you can turn on or off.
OpenScholar provides many Apps, and each one has been designed and polished to solve a particular use case. Check out available apps at:
- Control Panel > Build > Apps
What's in an app?
An app generally provides:
- A content type, such as a blog, publication or news item.
- A site section that showcases the app's content type.
- A menu item that links to the new site section
- One or more widgets, to customize how content is displayed across the site
Managing your apps
When you go to the Apps page in the Control Panel, you can set each app to one of three states:
- Public: published and accessible to anyone on the web
- Private: hidden to the general public, accessible to admins
- Disabled: hidden and inaccessible to everyone.
When an App is Public, admins on your site will be able to add and edit content for that app, and configure it's settings. Most apps provide a content type that will be immediately publishable to the web.
.When an App is Private, only admins on your site will be able to see any difference. This can be useful if you want to provide privately accessed pages, but publically accessible news or booklet content. Simply enable one module as "Public" and another as "Private". This is also useful for testing out Apps without exposing your test content to the whole world.
When an App is Disabled, any content or configuration you have added is hidden, but not deleted. Simply re-enable an App to restore your previous site section.
App Menu Links
All Apps provide a menu link, and you can customize how it appears, by going to:
- Control Panel > Build > Menu
Change the position of a menu link to "Primary menu", "Secondary menu" or "Not in menu". Additionally, you can edit the menu link to change the text displayed for that menu item.
Note: If you enable an App as "Private", and keep the menu link in your primary or secondary menu, then only administrators will see the menu link.