Akemi Kamimura

Akemi Kamimura

Akemi Kamimura


Akemi Kamimura holds a Master’s  Degree  and a Specialisation  in Human  Rights from the University of Sao Paulo, and a Diploma de Postítulo on “Human Rights and Women: Theory and Practice” from the University of Chile. She wrote her master degree dissertation  on  human  rights  and  interdisciplinary  support  for  victims  of  violence. Since 2005 she has been working as a voluntary assistant in the Human Rights and Constitutional Law Course at the Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC/SP). She worked as a lawyer and programme assistant in several organisations  where she worked with victims of violence, human rights education, violence against women, child rights and juvenile justice and children living and/or working on the streets. She conducted a study on  gender  and  human  rights  indicators,  and  trained  Angolan  civil  society  members in elaborating shadow reports to UN Treaty Bodies. As a consultant, she also made a compilation  of international  recommendations  made to Brazil by UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures, and by the Inter-American Commission and Court on Human Rights, from 2001 to 2014, and analysed the degree of compliance with each recommendation. In 2014, as a fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, she developed research on the implementation of the rights of indigenous peoples.

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