Ulrike Davy

Prof. Ulrike Davy

Ulrike Davy

Ulrike Davy is a Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, International and German Social Law, and Comparative Law; from September 2010 through September 2015 she has been the managing director of the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung  (ZiF),  Bielefeld  University  Her  research  focuses on EU social policy, welfare state theory, universal and European human rights law, international  refugee law, and migration law. Ulrike Davy is (co)author  of Asyl und internationals  Flüchtlingsrecht  [Asylum and international  refugee law] (1996), How human rights shape social citizenship (2014), Sozialpolitik der Union [Social policy of the European Union], The politics of recognition: Changing understandings of human rights, social development, and land rights as normative foundations of global social policy (2015).