Admiral Amichai (Ami) Ayalon

Admiral Ami Ayalon is a former director of Israel Security Agency (the Shin Bet) and a former commander of Israel's Navy. He has served as a cabinet minister and a member of the Knesset for the Labor party. Along with Sari Nusseibeh, he founded the People's Voice peace initiative in 2002. He holds a BA in economics and political science from Bar-Ilan University (1980); is a graduate of the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island (1982); holds an MA in public administration from Harvard University (1992), and holds an MA in Law from Bar-Ilan University (2010). He instituted a "Code of Ethics" in the Shin Bet and campaigned for it to be enshrined in law. For these contributions to Israel's security apparatus, the Movement for Quality Government honored him with the "Knight of Quality Government" award. Ami Ayalon is a recipient of Israel's highest military honor, the Ribbon of Valor, for his part in the raid against the Egyptian fortress at Green Island in 1969.