Johannes Eichenhofer

Dr. Johannes Eichenhofer

Universität Bielefeld
Johannes Eichenhofer

Johannes Eichenhofer is a research assistant and postdoctoral fellow at the Universität Bielefeld.  Previously  he has studied  Law at the Freie Universität  and the Humboldt Universität of Berlin, as well as at the Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy (2003-2009). He holds a PhD in law from the Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany (2012). From 2011-2013 he absolved his clerkship (Referendariat) at the Kammergericht (Higher  Regional  Court)  of Berlin  with  Assignments  to (among  others)  the  German Chancellery and the German Embassy in Tokyo, Japan.

His research interests mainly lie in migration and privacy law. Johannes wrote his PhD thesis on “the concept and conception of integration in the German Immigration Act”. He has worked as pro bono legal counselor for asylum seekers and has steadily given lectures in European and German migration law at the Universität Bielefeld and the Humboldt Universität of Berlin. Since 2014 Johannes is involved in an interdisciplinary research project called “transformations of privacy.” This project aims to examine the meaning, value and limits of privacy in the age of big data and ubiquitous computing. From February to May 2016, Johannes spends a visiting fellowship at the New York University Information Law Institute

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