Manuela Lenzen

Dr. Manuela Lenzen

Manuela  Lenzen

Dr.    Manuela  Lenzen  studied  Philosophy,  History,  Sociology and  Cultural  Anthropology  at  Bochum  University  and Bielefeld  University.  She  received  her  PhD  in  Philosophy  in 2002 with a dissertation  in Philosophical  Psychology “In den Schuhen des Anderen. Über Simulation und Theorie in der Alltagspsychologie”. Since 2005 she has worked as academic assistant at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research of Bielefeld University. At ZiF she is a research assistant to the research group “Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines.” After taking care of ZiF’s art programme, Manuela is now concerned with the Center’s public relations and organizing public talks and conferences. Her main topics are evolution, cognition, and artificial intelligence and its impacts on society. Manuela Lenzen is also a freelance science writer. She is married and has three sons.