Tali Shrem

Tali Shrem

Tali Shrem

Tali is a PhD Student at the Psychology Department of the Hebrew University. My research, under the supervision of Prof. Leon Deouell, focuses on crossmodal interactions in space representation and attention. I am interested in the integration of unimodal spatial maps to create a unified representation of space, in the coordinates by which space is represented in separate sensory modalities and across modalities, and in the space representation/s underlying spatial attention to one or more modalities. I study this using mainly EEG, behavioral measures and eye tracking. Other research interests of mine include multisensory processing, statistical learning, and the study of consciousness.

I received my B.Sc. in Psychobiology from the Hebrew University and then continued directly to a PhD in the Neuropsychology research track. In addition to my research I also serve as lab manager of the Human Cognitive Neursoscience Lab. Other than that I am interested in statistics and methodology and I have worked as  a teaching assistant in several methodological courses at the Psychology department, including Advanced Research Methods (MA course).


Shrem, T. & Deouell, L.Y. (2014). Frequency-dependent auditory space representation in the human planum temporale. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8.

Schechtman, E., Shrem, T., Deouell, L.Y. (2012). Spatial Localization of Auditory Stimuli in Human Auditory Cortex is Based on Both Head-independent and Head-Centered Coordinate Systems. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 13501-13509.

Awards and Scholarships

  • Student award for presenting at the 15th annual meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum (2014)
  •  Honors scholarship from the Israel Federation of University Women (2014)
  • Scholarship from the Royal foundation (2014-2015)
  • Scholarship from the Samuel & Lottie Rudin Scholarship Foundation (2008-2014)
  • Stipend from the direct Ph.D. program, the Department of Psychology (2008-2011)