Tsevi Beatus


Tsevi Beatus

School of Computer Science and Engineering and the Institute of Life Sciences, Edmond J. Safra Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Dr. Tsevi Beatus is a faculty member at the Bioengineering Center of the School of Computer Science and Engineering and the Neurobiology Department of the Institute of Life Sciences at the Hebrew University.

Tsevi did his postdoc in the Physics Department at Cornell University on insect flight control, and got his Ph.D. in Physics at the Weizmann Institute, working on the collective, non-equilibrium dynamics of microfluidic droplets. He completed his BSc in Physics and Computer Science at the Hebrew University.


Flying insects can perform a wide range or aerial maneuvers better than any man-made flying device. Some insects can land upside down, change direction in a split of a second and engage prey or mates in mid-air. To achieve such impressive capabilities, insects have evolved unique flight mechanisms, including a control system that exhibits the fastest reflexes in the animal kingdom.

Our goal is to understand these flight control mechanisms experimentally and eventually implement them in robotic systems. This challenge involves cutting-edge topics in control theory, fluid dynamics, physiology, neuroscience and robotics.

For more information please visit www.beatus-lab.org