1967: BSc (Econ) London School of Economics (LSE)
1968: MSc (Econ) LSE
1976: Ph.D. "The Forward Market, International Capital Movements and the Balance of Payments", LSE, - Supervisors: H.G. Johnson and M. Miller
1970-1976: HM Treasury (London), Advice and research on international monetary and energy problems
1976-1978: World Bank (Washington DC), Project appraisal and development planning
1978-1981: London Business School (University of London), Senior Research Fellow
1981-1987: City University Business School, Esmee Fairbairn Professor of Finance and Investment
1987-1988: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Lady Davis Visiting Professor of Economics
1987-1989: Economist, Bank of Israel, Research Dept.
1989 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Professor of Economics (emeritus since 2015).
Current Courses
Econometric Analysis of Time-Series (MA)
Spatial Econometrics (MA)
Recent Courses
Econometrics (MA)
Macroeconomics (3rd year)
Project Appraisal and Evaluation (3rd year)
Financial Econometrics (MA)
Economics of immigration (UCLA)
Social segregation, mobility and inequality (UCLA)