Publications by Year: 2021

Resisi, S., Popoff, S.M. & Bromberg, Y. Image Transmission Through a Dynamically Perturbed Multimode Fiber by Deep Learning. Laser & Photonics Reviews 15, 10, 2000553 (2021). Publisher's VersionAbstract

Abstract When multimode optical fibers are perturbed, the data that is transmitted through them is scrambled. This presents a major difficulty for many possible applications, such as multimode fiber based telecommunication and endoscopy. To overcome this challenge, a deep learning approach that generalizes over mechanical perturbations is presented. Using this approach, successful reconstruction of the input images from intensity-only measurements of speckle patterns at the output of a 1.5 m-long randomly perturbed multimode fiber is demonstrated. The model’s success is explained by hidden correlations in the speckle of random fiber conformations.

Shekel, R., Lib, O., Sardas, A. & Bromberg, Y. Shaping entangled photons through emulated turbulent atmosphere. OSA Continuum 4, 8, 2339–2350 (2021). Publisher's VersionAbstract
Scattering by atmospheric turbulence is one of the main challenges in creating long free-space optical links, and specifically links of entangled photons. Classical compensation methods are hard to apply to entangled photons, due to inherently low signal to noise ratios and the fragility of entanglement. We have recently shown that we can use a bright laser beam that pumps spontaneous parametric down conversion to control the spatial correlations between entangled photons for compensating their scattering. In this work, we apply the pump-shaping technique to compensate for the scrambling of correlations between entangled photons that scatter by emulated atmospheric turbulence. We use a spatial light modulator and Kolmogorov&\#x2019;s turbulence model to emulate atmospheric turbulence in the lab, and enhance the entangled photons&\#x2019; signal by a factor of fifteen using pump optimization. We show this for both a static and dynamic emulated atmosphere, and also demonstrate the compensation of the scattering of a higher-order mode. Our results can open the door towards realizing free-space quantum links with entangled photons, used in applications such as quantum key distribution.
Matthès, M.W., Bromberg, Y., de Rosny, J. & Popoff, S.M. Learning and Avoiding Disorder in Multimode Fibers. Phys. Rev. X 11, 021060 (2021). Publisher's Version
Sampson, R., et al. High-Speed Random-Channel Cryptography in Multimode Fibers. IEEE Photonics Journal 13, 1-9 (2021). Publisher's VersionAbstract

We propose and experimentally demonstrate high-speed operation of random-channel cryptography (RCC) in multimode fibers. RCC is a key generation and distribution method based on the random channel state of a multimode fiber and multi-dimension to single-dimension projection. The reciprocal intensity transmittance of the channel shared between the two legitimate users is used to generate and distribute correlated keys. In previous work, RCC's key rate-distance product was limited by the speed of light. In this work, we show that adding a fast modulator at one end of the channel decouples the key rate and distance, resulting in a significant improvement in the key rate-distance product, limited only by the fiber's modal dispersion. Error-free transmission at a key rate-distance product of 64.7 Mbps 12 km, which is seven orders of magnitude higher than the previous demonstration, was achieved. The proposed method's security arises from a fundamental asymmetry between the eavesdroppers and legitimate users measurement complexity.