Electroholographic Tunable Volume Grating in the g44 Configuration


A Bitman, N Sapiens, G Bartal, L Secundo, M Segev, and AJ Agranat. 2006. “Electroholographic Tunable Volume Grating in the g44 Configuration.” Optics Letters , 31, 19, Pp. 2849-2851.


The g(44) grating is an electroholographic transmission grating in which the applied field is perpendicular to both the grating vector and the wave vector of the incident beam. It is argued that in this configuration the incident beam traverses through a periodically rotating index ellipsoid. It is shown that in the g(44) configuration the Bragg condition is fulfilled for a specific value of the applied field and for a diffracting beam polarization that is perpendicular to that of the incident beam. Consequently, the g(44) grating can be used as an electrically controlled filter. Tunability of 7 nm is demonstrated in a 2mm thick grating.
Last updated on 06/09/2015